f o r t y - o n e

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{ Tate }

Today was my baby boy's second birthday. I had rolled over in bed and shook Ashton awake. I had tears in my eyes I was so sad that my baby was growing up,

"Oh my god what's wrong!" Ashton panicked sitting up and pulling me into him,

"Our baby is two" I cried. Ashton chuckled softly and kissed my head a few times,

"He's still our baby. He always will be"

So now, Ashton, Jack, and I are all up and Ashton grabbed the cupcake we got for Riley and we headed up to his room to wake him up.

Ashton lit the candle and the three of us knelt down by Riley's bed,

"Happy birthday baby boy" I smiled and pushed Riley's blonde locks back. He mumbled something then opened his eyes, his face lighting up seeing his cupcake,

"My bifday?" He giggled,

"Yeah RiRi it's your birthday" Jack laughed,

"Blow your candle bubba" Ashton smiled. Riley leaned forward and blew his candle out, well spit it out. Thank god he's the only one eating that,

"Eat?" Riley asked,

"Yeah. Let's go downstairs so you can eat it and see your present" I smiled.

He giggled and climbed out of his bed, holding his arms up for me to carry him. I gladly lifted him up, his bottom resting on the top of my baby bump, and the four of us went downstairs.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Riley gasped when he saw his new bike sitting in the stand in the living room. Ashton and I ended up getting him a red push bike. He saw a kid at the park with one and loved it.

I put Riley down and he ran over and jumped on it.

"We've gotta take it out of the stand first bub" Ashton laughed as Riley kept trying to ride it,

"Let's eat some then we will get your bike out" I said. Riley nodded and ran off to the kitchen with Jack trailing behind him.

Ashton and I joined Jack and Riley in the kitchen. Riley was already in his highchair and ready for his cupcake. Jack has already gotten him his sippy cup.

"Do you know how old you are Ri?" Jack asked as Ashton gave Riley his cupcake and told him to dig in.

"I two" Riley proudly spoke but held up one finger. Jack corrected him and the two laughed. It was cool seeing how they acted together. Jack was more like a big brother than an uncle.

Once we got breakfast and Riley cleaned up, Jack and Riley went to get Riley's bike out. I stood at the island and watched them.

Suddenly two arms snaked around me and a kiss was planted on my neck,

"How you feeling this morning?" Ashton asked and rubbed a hand over my baby bump,

"Fine. I'm just sad our baby is growing up" I laughed,

"Hey, me too. Soon we will have another though" he kissed me again before he was called by Riley, "Duty calls" he joked.

While Ashton and Jack were playing with Riley, I logged onto Instagram to make a post, but saw Ashton's post first:



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