Chapter Twenty-Five

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Emberstar sat impatiently outside the nursery with Sablepaw at his side. He could hear Sunnyshine's voice inside, soothing Snowshine as she kitted. Splashnose had tasked her to help the queen give birth while she helped Leaffire with her injuries. To keep the Clan moving while Leaffire was in the medicine den, he'd appointed Gingerheart as the temporary deputy while Leaffire recovered.

A sharp, painful cry from inside the nursery made Sablepaw flinch and she looked up at her mentor. "Will Snowshine be okay?" She asked in concern, her tail curling around herself comfortingly.

The leader nodded. "She's had kits before. She'll be just fine with this litter." He felt confident in his words, but Sablepaw didn't seem too convinced. "Hey." He nudged her gently. "Don't worry; Sunnyshine is a wonderful medicine cat and she knows what she's doing."

"I know," Sablepaw sighed, her eyes dark with worry as Snowshine cried out again. "Moonleaf and I are really close, and Stemfang and Ravenflame seem to fit in with the Clan so well."

He noticed his apprentice seemed resigned and rested his tail across her shoulders comfortingly. "When Snowshine is done kitting, I'll take you battle training." He meowed and Sablepaw brightened. "I know the only experience you've had is against a fox, which isn't the best introduction to the world of fighting. But, that was just bad luck, I guess."

Sablepaw shot her mentor a worried look. "What about your injuries?" She asked, pressing a paw to his chest and he winced, feeling pain spark up his chest. "Surely they aren't fully healed by now."

"I'll be fine, Sablepaw." He assured her, trying to swallow back the pain that grew in his body. It had been over a quarter-moon since he and Leaffire drove Storm out of the Clan and Leaffire was still confined to the camp and had to have her wounds redressed hourly.

There was a loud, agonized cry and Sunnyshine let out a triumphant mrrow. "You've done it, Snowshine! Congratulations." Her fluffy yellow face came out of the den. "Lizardberry, you have three daughters and two sons." She purred, sounding somewhat breathless.

Lizardberry looked eager to meet his new kits and slipped by the medicine cat and disappeared into the nursery. His purr sounded from inside and it shook Emberstar's head like a horde of bees.

"How many litters has Snowshine had?" Sablepaw asked Sunnyshine as she approached the leader.

"Three," answered the she-cat as she sat down in front of the two cats. Looking up at Emberstar, she added. "All five kits are healthy and strong. They'll make it through the night." She sounded pleased with herself and Emberstar nodded approvingly.

"You're a skilled medicine cat, Sunnyshine." He meowed respectfully with a polite dip of his head. "Thank you."

Sunnyshine lapped at her chest fur bashfully, her ears flattening against her head. "Thanks," she meowed, embarrassed.

Emberstar blinked warmly at her and rose to his paws. "Come on, Sablepaw." He meowed and raised his voice to call across the camp. Adderseed! Stemfang! Fennelfur!" His call alerted the cat around him, but their pelts smoothed.

Since driving Storm out of the forest, Scorch had become an apprentice, becoming Scorchpaw and the apprentice of Fennelfur. He was a little clumsy and struggled to keep up with the daily routine of checking elder's for ticks, patrolling, and learning how to hunt and fight. However, Fennelfur was a strong and independent warrior and Emberstar knew she'd teach him what he needed to know to become a warrior.

Adderseed poked his head from the warrior's den and trotted over. "What's up, Emberstar?" He meowed curiously.

"Find your apprentices, we're going to practice some battle moves today." He mewed briskly with a flick of his tail. "Sunnyshine," he looked at the medicine cat. "Can you get Orchidpaw? I want her to have at least a little bit of battle knowledge."

Warriors: Nightstar's End (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora