Chapter Thirteen

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"Are you accepting visitors?" Purred Swiftsoul's voice as he poked his head into Lilyrose's cave. The tom's eyes rested on her with amusement gleaming in his hazel eyes.

"Certainly," replied Amberheart as she nuzzled the top of Topazkit's head. "These rascals are a pawful!"

"Easy for you to say," Lilyrose grumbled, trying to coax Riverkit off her head as she nibbled on her ear. She adored the kits, of course, but they were constantly under paw. Even at seven sunrises old, their eyes were starting to open, as well as their ears.

Swiftsoul laughed as he approached them. "Looks like she's got you," he observed, blinking warmly to Riverkit. "Need a little help with that?"

Lilyrose nodded, but Riverkit sank her claws into her head and she winced. "Where's Dawnflame? Isn't she going to stop by and see the kits?" She asked. Is she having second doubts about raising these kits?

"On patrol," Swiftsoul replied and grasped Riverkit's scruff and gently put her on the ground. "Goldenfire insisted she go patrol the GlacierClan border in case they're trying anything."

Lilyrose was thrown into the dream she had with the Clan founders. Glacierstar seemed like such a charming, chill cat. Does he know every Clan is so suspicious of his Clan? Shaking her head, she yawned. "These kits tire me out." She meowed.

Amberheart glanced humorously at Lilyrose, tail curling as Whorlkit tried to pounce aimlessly at it. "You should've seen Dawnflame with Hailfrost and Meadowheart," she joked and playfully flicked her ears at Swiftsoul, who was laying on his belly as Yonderkit and Blackberrykit starting climbing on him. "She wanted to be in the forest so bad!"

Swiftsoul rolled on his back and looked up at Amberheart, a goofy smile across his face. "Not my fault," he defended himself playfully. "We both wanted kits."

Lilyrose gave him a knowing look. "Technically, it is your fault." She meowed. Before he could argue, she looked over at Amberheart. "I'm going to get something to the prey-pile. What do you want?"

Amberheart blinked at her. "I'll take a mouse or two," she purred. "Thank you." Flicking her gaze to Swiftsoul. "What do you want from the fresh-kill pile?"

Swiftsoul waved a paw. "I don't need anything," he replied and gently boxed Blackberrykit's ears. "These five will need Sedgepelt in a bit."

Lilyrose pushed herself to her paws, dislodging Riverkit as she tried to suckle. Looking around at the kits, she meowed. "I'll see if Sedgepelt's in the camp."

Amberheart looked confused. "She'd better," she snorted. "She just had kits that aren't weaned!" She rolled onto her side and flexed her paws, claws unsheathing and retracting.

Lilyrose had to agree and she hopped out of the den, grateful as the weak sunlight bathed her back and relaxed her. She spotted the small prey-pile and winced. As she headed over and picked up a small mouse and a vole. Carrying the prey between her jaws, she headed back to her den.

"Help!" The distressed cry startled her as she whirled around to see a lithe black tom exploding into the camp. She dropped her prey and unsheathed her claws, fur rippling along her spine. "Help me, please!"

"Who are you?" Demanded Blueheart as she arched her back, shielding the nursery, her tail lashing back and forth.

The tom looked panicked as Lilyrose got reluctantly closer. He looked so familiar that Lilyrose wondered if he was in a Clan but wasn't going to Gatherings as often. His yellow eyes were stretched wide with fear. "Please, you have to help me!"

"What's wrong?" She asked, getting closer slowly in case she scared the tom into being hostile.

"It's my mate," he panted, fixing his gaze on hers. "She's kitting and we don't have a medicine cat!"

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