"Ashton, it matters."


"If she only kissed you because she was vulnerable, then maybe she doesn't feel anything like that for you. Maybe it was just a mistake to her. Don't ruin something great with KayKay by telling her until you know for sure. If Izzy doesn't feel the same about the kiss, if it wasn't great for her, then you'll get over this little crush and realize you truly love Kay. Just, don't tell KayKay or anyone about it until you've had time to talk in out with Izzy. In person. So you know how to word it."

"I can't lie to KayKay about this, Calum."

"If you don't, you lose her forever. Is one mistake worth that? Worth the entire relationship you two have built together."

"I don't know. I need to talk to Izzy before I will know that..."

"Exactly. So wait until you can talk to her. For the sake of yourself and the woman who is madly in love with you still. Don't hurt KayKay until it's the only option. Because even if you like this Izzy girl, you're still going to feel the pain when you break KayKay's heart."

"I don't want to break her heart. I still love her, I'm just confused."

"Until you aren't confused, you should stay quiet."

"Ya. But the guilt is going to eat me alive. How do I make sure Kay doesn't notice that?"

"Have an excuse ready." He shrugs. "Now, we should probably head to rehearsals. Tour is only a couple weeks away."

"Tour sounds like a welcome disconnect from life right now." I nod.

"Don't worry, I won't be saying anything to KayKay or anyone either. That's your choice to do when and how you see fit."

"Thanks, Cal." I sigh, pulling him into a hug as we stand.

"You're my best mate, Ash, I know you. You wouldn't purposefully cheat or hurt someone. You're just a little lost in the brain right now. But I know you'll figure it out."

"I hope you're right."

Izzy's POV

"Who is that messy hair, blue eyed beauty walking my way?" Mom grins as we make eye contact. I can't help but feel complete relief, I need her right now.

"Mom." I sigh, falling into her hug like it's the only thing that can keep me together.

"I've missed you, Izzy." She hums letting me hug her for as long as I need.

"I have missed you too. Life has been insane lately, so I definitely need a day with you." I sigh, stepping back and grabbing the handle to my suitcase again.

"Let's do it then. Dad can meet us for dinner when he's done with his meetings tonight."

"Thank you." I nod, wrapping an arm over her much shorter frame as she leads me out to where she is parked.

"So, are you going to tell me what has been going on out in LA?" Mom asks as I sit down at the counter in their nice midtown apartment, having changed out of my travel clothes.

"It's a lot. And I sort of feel emotionally drained. And also like the worst human being on the planet." I sigh, leaning my head forward against the cold marble.

"So talk. Or would you rather go get a tea and walk and talk?"

"Tea would be great." I smile softly.

"Retail therapy seems like something you might need too." She grins. "Find your shoes and let's go."


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