"Leave him, he obviously doesn't want to say." Niall stood up for him.

"He bloody disappears for 3 months with no warning, course he has to say." Zayn said.

Harry was trembling now, really not wanting to tell them.

"Well? Get on with it." Louis snapped.

"I-uh-I tried to um...I tried to visit my mum."

They all stared at him, what he had just said not clicking.

"Your mum's dead you twat." Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Zayn you fuckin' knob 'ead!" Liam elbowed him.

"Yeah. I know." Harry winced.

"Oh my god." Louis finally realised. "You attempted-"

"Yeah. I attempted suicide and got sent to the loony bin." He said quickly, spinning around and beginning to walk away.

"Jesus Christ." Niall grabbed his arm, pulling him into another hug. "I wish you'd said something."

Harry shrugged. "I just wish it had fucking worked."

"Don't say that."

"Sorry." He whispered. "Um, I'm gonna be in the councillor's office today if you want to come with..." He offered, feeling slightly bad.

"Yeah. Yeah, let's go."

Harry snuck a glance behind him where the others were stood staring at him with unreadable expressions.


"Are you alright Boobear? You're awfully quiet." Jay sat down opposite Louis at the table.


"Tell me what's on your mind."

"Found out where Harry went. He's back now."

"And where did he go?"

"He tried to kill himself and was put into a mental hospital."

"No!" Jay gasped, "the poor boy. Oh my god. Please invite him around for dinner soon."

"Okay." Louis agreed. It was the least he could do. "He cuts himself as well. People saw in the changing rooms."

"Did you see?"

Louis nodded, "there were so many cuts. It was horrible."

"Oh bless him. I wish he'd told someone. I hope he's got a therapist or something now."

"He couldn't afford one. When I went to his house it was awful, and he'd had to sell basically everything. And he had no food or anything in the house."

"Well, you'll be seeing more of him. I'm going to invite him over more often."

Louis didn't protest, he knew he had no right. Harry had been through so much, and it was his fault.

"Invite him over tomorrow actually Lou."

"I will if I see him. But he's probably going to be in the councillor's office."

"Well go in there and ask him then."

"Alright, alright. I will."


Harry had been at home a week before he had been allowed to turn up to school, having to 'adjust to normal life again'. He managed to persuade them to allow him to return to work, if he could get a place back, although he really didn't want to.

He entered the bakery shyly, keeping his head down.

"Hi, can I help you?" Someone asked kindly as they stood at the counter.

"U-um, is Paul here?" He cleared his throat.

"Yeah, I'll just go and fetch him for you."

"Oh, actually could I go out back and see him?" He asked anxiously. "Please."

"Of course." They began to walk out, Harry following them. "Paul, there's someone here to see you."

"Hi." Harry squeaked.

"Harry? Oh my god!" He stood up, hugging him. "Why would you do that?"

"There's a lot of reasons. I'm sorry, I know it was selfish and-"

"Harry, shhh. Slow down. Don't worry about anyone but yourself."

"But I just left you, I didn't give you any warning or anything."

"You were in pain."

"I still am." He muttered.

Paul rubbed his arm with a sad smile. "Talk to me."

Harry shook his head, "don't wanna bother you. And I don't want to talk about some of the stuff. I didn't even tell people when I was in the hospital."

"You're never bothering me. I expect you're here about your job."

"Someone else has it, don't they." Harry sighed, "I shoulda expected that."

"I'm afraid so. But, there is another place that's free. You won't have to do an interview or anything."

"Really? Thank you." Harry smiled. "B-but I'm scared that I w-won't be as good at working because I'm, you know...I don't know...I have a lot on my mind. Well not really anymore than before but people know now."

"It'll be fine Harry. Okay?"

"Okay." Harry sighed.

I really want a hug but at the same time I'm too awkward for hugs, this is sad

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