Chapter 16: A comforting Hug

Start from the beginning



"I was going to say painful."

"I thought that we had already gathered that I am in pain."

"Uh, yes. Out of curiosity does your stomach hurt too?"

"Hurt? It feels like someone's is ripping my stomach apart while someone is stabbing me and simultaneously it feels like knots are being pulled tighter and tighter until they feel like they are never going to be loosened ever again."

"I wouldn't want to be you right now."

She laughed.

"Me too."

"Do you take pain-relieving potions?"

"Yeah but I can still feel that the pain is there."

"That's stupid."

"I know."

"Someone should create a potion that takes the pain away completely."

"Actually, I'm working with Professor Snape to create one."

Hermione and Severus- as she was allowed to call him- were friends or something. Well not friends exactly. Something else, something without a name in the English language you could say that they were kindred spirits who both had experienced too much bullshit to be true and were too smart for their own good. You could also say that they loved each other in a way that was both strange and peculiar, which were synonyms as they would both complain. Purley platonic but still the one person to each other that they couldn't live without, light in each other's lives. Whatever it was, whatever one may call it, whatever one would see, for them it was salvation and real, comforting, an alliance-ship that went way beyond partners in crime, way beyond caring for one another, way beyond mutual understanding, way beyond mentorship, way beyond support. Maybe they were soulmates, destined to save each other.

And she had no idea why she told him that, it was supposed to be a secret.

"You are?" He asked surprised.

Stop talking, she told herself.

"Yes, it took me sometime convincing him, but I did it. I think that he is smarter than us, which irritates me. A lot."

What's wrong with me!? She screamed insider her head.

He laughed.

"I have noticed that too, his insults are legendary, if you notice them of course."

Well it's too late now and maybe, just maybe it needed to come out.

"He is really good in doing that."

"So anyway, the potion?"

"Yes, very exciting stuff, we are trying to only use plants, like witches in past ages did because I don't like eating animals, I am quite lucky that most pain-potions don't require animal parts or else I wouldn't take them. That being said; we are trying to specialize it to my body first and then branch out in different categories, different strengths, different levels and so on. What's difficult is having the potion to not interfere with your magic or someone else's that you carry inside of you. Also, the symptoms aren't always the same, for example one week one has headaches in addition or dizziness and the next it's mood swings, it's different each week, but still very similar. I mean if I am going to take a potion I want it to alleviate or stop all of my symptoms, better even erase them completely from my body, which in this case isn't possible but it would be brilliant."

"This is fucking amazing! I wouldn't have thought about specializing it for each person, which totally makes sense because each body is different. And I absolutely adore the part with not using animal parts."

"I thought you would." She replied smugly.

He laughed.

"What can I say, I love animals and I have been a vegetarian for 12 years and a vegan for 9 years."

"Shut up! That's bloody amazing! That's why Mrs. Weasley didn't even blink when I told her that I didn't eat animal products."

"You are a vegan too?" He asked delighted.

"Yes, pour deux ans." She paused thinking. "2 years. Sorry about that I sometimes fall back into French when I'm excited."

"Wait, I didn't know you were French."

"I'm not, well partly, my father is French and maman is British."

"So, you grew up learning two languages?"

"Yes, and it was awesome, but I wish I spoke more although if it counts, I am well versed in Latin, runes and hieroglyphs, oh and the tiniest bit of Bulgarian."

"I am fluent in Romanian and German and English, of course."

They looked at each other grinning mischievously.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" They asked at the same time.

"If you teach me French and Hieroglyphs, I will teach you Romanian and German."


They grinned stupidly at each other.

A thought rushed into Hermione's head and she looked away.

"Charlie?" She asked quietly.


"I... I wouldn't have hurt you and I'm sorry that I sacred you."

He hugged her tighter to him.

"It's okay. I work with dragons."

"I don't know whether I should be offended or flattered."

He laughed.

"Flattered. Definitely."

"Thank you."

"OI! LOVEBIRDS!" One of the twins yelled.

"HURRY UP!" The other finished.

Rolling their eyes, they unwillingly let each other go, immediately missing the warmth and comfort that they gave each other.

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