free time

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Ruels pov

(3 weeks after the break up)

Today was the day... I am releasing my second ep.

I can't fucking wait except this time it will be a bit different, I have no date to release party nor do I want one. I want Laiya. I know I am going to get questions about our relationship and to be quite honest I will just say that I messed up though I won't disclose any details, though I hope that there will not be any questions about the situation. We have not texted at all I have sent a few but Ive been left on read I've tried to call a few times but they are never picked up so I just leave voicemails, Coco says she still loves me which is good, I'm hoping this ep will help me convey my love to her. 

It is called Free time, named after one of the songs I wrote after I fucked everything up. 

"Ruel you are all finished" The hair artist spoke tapping her hands on my shoulders taking me out of my daze

"That you Mindy" 

"No problem" she smiled 

I walked out of the beauty room over where my clothes were laid out, quickly changing into them as I was running late. 

Ruels outfit

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Ruels outfit

I was wearing a Balenciaga sweater and some blue jeans, and a wind breaker over the sweater. I of course wore my black converse cause i. like. these. shoes.

Time skip to at the venue

I began walking the small carpet which was covered with press double the amount there was last time. They asked normal questions like 'favourite song?" "Craziest thing about my growing fame?" all the usual, there was nothing about Laiya.. or so I thought.

I walked to the last interviewer and it was all normal until

"So the question everyone is dying to know the answer to... what happened to Laiya and are you single?" she look at me with a smile

"Oh I-I umm... It is pretty private... but I umm messed up big time and it was all my fault however I love her with my whole heart and I want her so... um yea" I looked around trying not to cry 

"Oh well that sucks I am sorry" She said looking straight away from me 

"Thanks I got to go!" I gave her a quick side hug before waving goodbye and walking over to the main venue. 

Trying to hide the growing tears in my eyes Coco pulled me aside

"I'm guessing they asked?" she said

"It was all fine until the last person... I want her coco I want her to hug me" I spoke as she wrapped her arms around me

"Hey hey hey you will get her back I promise, she loves you Ruel and she told me she wants to work things out when she gets back... what did you tell them?" 

Someone you loved - RUELWhere stories live. Discover now