friends at this point

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Laiya's pov

I haven't woke up to the feeling of someone brushing my hair with their hands in a while and to be honest it is something I can for sure get use too. I turned my head slightly to look up at Ruel's face, all he did was smile and kiss my forehead, it's nice being in silence with him because it is comfortable not awkward. 

"Good morning princess" he whispered


"Oh shit, Ruel what is the time?" I said back quickly 

"It's 8:30, why?" he said back confused 

"I have dance today at 10" 

"oh ok, do you want to get some breakfast then I can drop you off" he asked 

"sounds like fun let me get changed and we can go grab brekkie" 

I walked over to the other side of my bedroom and grabbed fabletics set

I walked over to the other side of my bedroom and grabbed fabletics set

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Laiya's outfit along with Ruel's hoodie on top

"Ok I'm ready to go" I walked back into my bedroom and grabbed my dance bag and began to walk downstairs

"Where do you want to go and eat?" he asked 

"Hmm what about to a coffee shop?" I said back

"sounds good to me" He walked me out to his car and held the door open for me "m'lady" he said helping me step up to his car

"Thank you kind sir" I replied back giggling 

We both sang our lungs out to 'One Direction' very off key but we still tried 

"Wow Laiya you are really good at singing, why didn't you tell me?" he asked 

"I'm not that good and it has never really come up in conversation" I replied looking out the window, I never really like singing in front of people or talking about my singing in general. Only my parents, brother, Anu and Harry know about my singing and I guess now Ruel. 

"Don't be embarrassed you should be proud, your probably better then me" he said holding onto my hand 

"Haha I doubt it but shall we go eat" I replied back

we both hopped out of the car and walked over to the cafe hand in hand, surprisingly he didn't let go of my hand 

"You sure you don't want to let go your fans could be in here" I asked 

"No don't worry about it, if someone asks just make sure you say we are friends" he replied back

"Well I mean we are only friends at this point" I giggled "but I know what you mean" I said back and squeezed his hand 

We both took a seat at one of the corner of the cafe, a worker around our age or maybe a little bit older came over to us to take our order.

"hey guys have you decided what you want to eat yet?" 

"Ahh yes please, I'll have the english breakfast" he said looking at the menu "and Lays what do you fancy" he said 

"Hi um could I please get an acai bowl" I said 

"sounds great any drinks?"

"oh could I please get a coffee" I said 

"and could I get a chocolate milkshake" 

"Is that it for the lovely couple" she said laughing 

"oh we are not a couple but thats all thank you" I said back 

"oh well you should be" she said back laughing 

I looked over at Ruel and saw his face go a bright red, he thanked the girl and looked over to me once she left, all he did was laugh 

"Whats so funny?" I asked 

"How quickly you answered the question" he said still recovering from his laughing fit

"hey! I panicked and you did not do anything I was left to fend for myself" I said back starting to laugh 

Our food arrived and they looked absolutely beautiful It took us no time to finish our food, of course I offered to pay but Ruel wouldn't let me 

"hey no let me pay" I said 

"HAHAHA funny, but not happening" he said back handing his card to the lady 

"next time promise me you'll let me pay" 

"Maybe... but probably not" he said laughing 

I rolled my eyes and we walked back over to the car, I gave him directions to the dance studio 

"Can I come and watch you?" he asked giving me puppy dog eyes

"It's only a small day so i'm only in there for an hour, so I guess if you really want to thats fine" I said back laughing 

"Thats perfect" he said

I showed him up to the viewing room and told him I would see him later, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked downstairs 

Ruel's pov

I never realized how lucky I was to know let alone have feeling for this girl, she was beautiful and the way she dances is crazy good. I decided to take a short video of her and uploaded it to my story. 

Sometime had passed and It was getting closer to the time she was supposed to be finished, the whole hour I sat there watching her and listening to some 'Tyler, the creator'. I really enjoyed watching her dance it is so soothing. These past few days of getting to know her have been so amazing, somehow we aren't sick of each other either. 

Suddenly a boy our age walks into the dance room, all the girls including Laiya turn to face him. I look over at Laiya and her face was pale, as if she had seen a ghost. The boy had short brown hair, he was a lot shorter than me but a bit taller than Lay. As soon as she saw him she tried to hide behind Anu, he walked over to her and grabbed her arm. The teacher screamed at him telling him to leave, I realized I needed to take action and darted out of the viewing room. As I turned the corner of the dance studio I could hear the screams of a girl that sounded like Laiya however, these were not happy screams. They were screams of someone in distress.


Oh shitt a cliffhanger, I hope you are enjoying these please make sure to comment any suggestions!! love u

Someone you loved - RUELWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt