Vulture chuckled, patting his back. "We'll stop him, Deku. Don't worry about it." He said confidently before transforming his arms into wings and taking to the sky. Izuku looked up as he did, smiling before taking a deep breath and heading down the left side of the parade.

"Focus, Izuku. Don't panic." He repeated over his head as he scanned around the area, trying to find anything unusual. As he did, he went to his earpiece, changing the frequency and talking to it.

"Uravity? Are you there?" He called.

"I'm here, Deku!" Uraraka replied not long after. Izuku could hear the wind cutting through their communication.

"Great. Did you manage to get Identi help?" He asked.

"Yep! I bumped into Ingenium and he took him to the nearest emergency area." She explained. "I'm on my way to the Hero Parade now. Just using my Quirk to get there quicker."

"That explains the strong wind sounds." He mentioned, which caused her to chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess it does."

"Anyway, when you get to the parade, I need you to search the left side of the parade. I'm searching the right and Vulture is searching up top."

"OK. I can do that."

"Great. Let me know if you find something."

"No problem. Be careful out there, Deku."

"Yeah. You too." The call ended, which allowed Izuku to let out a big sigh, calming himself from his pounding heart.

"I'm hopeless." He sighed before focusing his attention to the task at hand. The music and cheering of the parade remained loud and full of life. If it wasn't for a potential violent villain roaming about, Izuku would have watched the parade unfold. To him, the Parade was always the highlight of the Hero Festival, seeing the creative floats travel down the road, naming which pro hero they were representing, being at awe at the dancers and musicians performing. Since he never been to the festival himself when he was young, he would always watch the parade at home since it would be the only thing from the festival that was broadcast live on TV.

Speaking of which, as he continued to look about, he could see cameras along the sides of the parade, pointing at the event unfolding and capturing everything. This only made him think about the idea of a possible villain attack and how it could be caught on camera.

"Is that his plan?" Izuku thought. "That he wants the public to see his attack? It could disrupt the hero society, more than it has already." His stomach churred at the terrifying thought. At how many lives would be put in danger, just to make a point about something. It was something Izuku could never understand with villains and may never will.

"Deku?!" Izuku stopped dead right in his track as Uraraka's voice was heard through his earpiece. But it wasn't her usual cheerful voice. It was full of fear and panic.

"Uravity?" He replied quickly, trying to keep his own voice steady. "Are you al...?"

"Deku! I need you here now! It's Vanish! He...!" Her call was cut abruptly, and his heart dropped right to his feet.

"Uravity? Are you there?" He tried to call her again, but there was no response. 

"Uravity? Uraraka?!" His voice became shaky and fear began to build up inside him. Before he even had time to think, he was already sprinting, turning around and heading down the path he just walked. He activated One for All, not using too much that could disrupt the crowd.

He soon made it to the alleyway he and Vulture separated from and wall jumped his way up the top of the building. He then increased the percentage of his Quirk and dashed his way across the buildings.

"Deku!" Izuku skidded across the roof of the building he was on, coming to a sudden stop. He looked up and saw Vulture in the sky, making his way down and landed in front of him.

"What's going on? What's happened?" He asked, looking concerned.

Izuku was breathing heavily, so he had to calm himself, taking deep breaths before answering him. "It... It's Uravity. I-I think she encountered Vanish. She radioed me and... she was panicking and... it cut off and..." He gripped his messy hair and looked down, still trying to calm down. "I think something happened to her..."

"OK. I think I know the last place I saw her." Vulture informed.

"Then take me there!" Izuku looked right up, his eyes piercing with panic and determination. Vulture doesn't say another word before he took to the sky and headed in the direction of where he believed Uraraka was. Izuku charged up Full Cowling and followed his friend.

It doesn't take long until Vulture changed direction, diving down into an alleyway below them. Izuku followed suite, taking only two long wall jumps down and landed on the ground, but he doesn't stop to catch his breath, already running down the dark, narrow pathway.

"Uravity?" He called out, frantically searching, but to no prevail.

"Uraraka? Can you hear me?!" Only his voice echoed the walls, which only made him panic even more.

"Uraraka, please! Answer me! Uraraka!" Soon, his Quirk died out and he fell onto his knees, clenching his chest and breathing all over the way.

"This can't be happening. Not like this, please."

Even in his frantic state, he heard footsteps behind him, already knowing them to be Vulture's.

"She can't be that far." Vulture said, but Izuku doesn't answer. "Look, I'm sure she can hold herself until then."

"That's not the problem!" Izuku whipped his head around to face Vulture, whose wings had turned back to flesh and starting to feel his eyes stinging. "I know she can hold herself. She's one the strongest people I know. But the problem is Vanish. He doesn't hold back as well. You saw what he did to Identi. What he almost did to you. He already tried to hurt her and...!"

He grunted with frustration, planting his face into his hand. He hated feeling like this, that he had no control over his emotions, but with all the things he saw at the one place where it shouldn't, it only made him more afraid and angrier than usual. After a while, he took a long deep breath, pushing the bangs of his hair back for a moment before dropping his arms down.

"You really do care about her, don't you?" Vulture asked, breaking the silence between them. He didn't sound like he was joking around with the question.

"... I do." Izuku admitted. "I really do. And I don't want anything to happen to her. I... I can't imagine living in a world without her." He got up from his knees before leaning onto the wall beside him, clenching his right hand into fist and feeling the usual pull of stiff muscles.

"We have to find her." He said with determination.

"And we will." Vulture replied with just as much confidence. "No matter what."

Izuku slightly smiled back. "I know. Thanks, Vulture."

"Always around." He gave him a light punch on his shoulder before turning around. "Come on. Let's head back." He began to head back down the alleyway, to which Izuku, after composing himself, followed him.

"Like I said, she can't be that far." Vulture said. "I only saw her walk down here about 5 minutes ago, I think."

"Then... do you think she went to the next alley?"

"It's possible. We just have to..."

Just as the two walked out of the alleyway, a loud explosion suddenly appeared at the far left of the parade, shaking the ground violently. Izuku and Vulture ducked down, covering their faces before looking up and saw a large cloud of smoke and fire. The earlier cheers of the crowd immediately changed to screams and cries.

"Oh no...!" Izuku's whole body shook in fear and anger. His worst nightmare was coming true.

A Second Chance (IzuOcha Future Story)Where stories live. Discover now