A Great Opportunity

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Izuku and Vulture walked up four flights of stairs to reach the last floor of the five-floor building. Izuku could hear Vulture behind him, rambling to himself about how they should have taken the elevator, causing him to smile and chuckle to himself. Finally reaching the fifth floor, they walked down the corridor, reaching to the last door where Izuku knocked on it three times.

"Come in!" The same low voice from the speaker spoke. With that prompt, Izuku opened the door. He allowed Vulture to enter first, who gave a nod of appreciation to Izuku, before entering himself.

As they walked into the room, they were met with filing cabinets across the sides of the walls, towering over them, and an office desk in front of them. Sitting at the desk was a man around his 40s, with short blonde hair, which made it slightly hard to see the greys on his temples. He was looking down, focused on a piece of paper in his hand, only looking up when he heard the door opening.

"Ah, there you are." He announced.

"Morning, sir." Vulture greeted, bowing in greeting.

"Good morning, Mr Takeshi." Izuku greeted more formally, bowing as well once he closed the door behind.

"OK, then..." Takeshi placed the paper on top of pile next to him before continuing. "Vulture, do you have your hero report on the mugging this morning?"

"Of course, sir." Vulture was carrying a couple of sheet of paper in his hand. He handed it to Takeshi, who examined it before giving a satisfying nod. 

"Alright, then. Now that we got that out of the way..." He got up from his seat before continuing. "I just received a call from Yashiro Seihashi."

Izuku's eyes grew wide at the mention of the name and a wave of excitement washed over him. "Wait, Yashiro Seihashi?! The businessman who help fund and launch many hero expeditions and tributes, including the upcoming Hero Festival?!"

"The very one." Takeshi smiled at his excitement.

"Gosh, you're such a fanboy." Vulture mumbled under his breath, to which Izuku rolled his eyes, but his excitement never wavered.

"Anyway, he called and has asked for the both of you." He continued.

"Wait... he asked for us?!" Izuku's excitement was hardly contained, not that he was trying.

"Wow, really? What for?" Vulture asked curiously.

"Don't know. He just asked to meet you at his Tokyo office, today if possible." Takeshi explained. "If not, you can book an appointment with him, but it has to be as soon as possible."

"We can do today, right?" Izuku declared quickly, looking at Vulture with wide-eyed excitement, waiting for his confirmation.

"Yeah, sure, I wasn't doing anything much later." He answered, slightly taking back by his friend's quick response. "At least not planned."

"Alright, then. I'll let him know you're on your way."

"Great! Thank you, sir!" The two heroes bowed before leaving the office.

"I can't believe we're going to meet Yashiro Seihashi!" Izuku squealed as they walked down the corridor.

"Honestly, I really hope you faint from the excitement when we meet him." Vulture teased, to which he chuckled in response as the two headed down the stairs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Look, I get you're a fanboy, but that was way too jumpy, even for you." Vulture mentioned, walking down the street, along with Izuku.

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