Reunion Part 1

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It wasn't long until a week went by for Izuku, and with it, the Hero Festival Patrol Meet Up. He was honestly surprised at how fast the week went. It may have been from the amount of hero patrols he had done or his constant disregard of time while doing said patrols. Nevertheless, his excitement was not contained as he made his way to the train station after his usual morning patrol on Wednesdays.

Since Vulture had a day off that day, he met up with him at the station, catching the train as soon as it arrived. They talked throughout the whole journey, with most of it being about which heroes they would meet there, from the long-running pros to the young ones Seihashi was hiring for the first time. They even wondered whether they would meet up with some of their old classmates there.

"I doubt I would see any of my classmates there." Vulture admitted.

"Why not? I'm sure Seihashi would love to hire young pros who graduated from Ketsubutsu."

"True, but a good majority of them moved to more rural areas to be pros there, so the distance would definitely be problematic for them. Besides, I'm more interested in which U.A. graduates he's hired."

Izuku chuckled. "Yeah, I wonder too. I haven't seen many of them in a while."

"Gosh, you really need to keep in touch with your old friends more often."

"Oh, no! I do! I text with a lot of them through a group chat. We just haven't had the time to meet up personally because of our work." Izuku explained.

"Hold on, so if that's the case, why haven't you...?" Vulture began to ask, but stopped himself, waving a dismissive hand to him. "Don't worry about it. Your choice, I guess." Izuku raised his eyebrow at him with confusion, but dismissed it himself, continuing their conversation. The journey took 3 hours and they had to change trains when they reached Hamamatsu in the middle of it, but eventually they reached the city of Kyoto.

Izuku and Vulture had to take the local train to the destination, as the office was about an hour and half away by walking, while the train only took 10 minutes. Finally reaching their destination, they find a building that was located at the end of the street. It was the same layout as the office in Tokyo, only much taller, towering over the city lines.

"Now, this was what I was expecting back in Tokyo." Vulture commented, which made Izuku chuckle. They walked inside the building through rotating doors and towards the reception. Izuku did the talking this time around, explaining the reason for being here. Like before, they were given passes for security and was told to go to the seventh floor. They took the elevator, which took them to said floor. Once the doors opened, voices of chatter were immediately heard as they walked out. Walking down the corridor, they reached an open double door, with a sign next to it that read 'Hero Festival Patrol Meet Up'.

"Guess this is the way." Izuku stated the obvious, knowing full well of the fact, as the two entered the room. His eyes grew wide with shock and excitement by not only by the size of the room, seemingly being bigger than Seihashi's office, but by the amount of heroes occupying the space, reaching every corner as they talked to one another and carried small plates of food with them.

"I... I never see so many heroes in one place." Izuku mentioned in almost a whisper, feeling the nerves starting to sink in as he could recognise nearly all the pro heroes in the room.

"Please don't start muttering hero names." Vulture requested. Realising that he was muttering out loud, Izuku quickly covered his mouth as a hint of embarrassment hit him.

"S-Sorry!" He said, still covering his mouth. Vulture laughed, patting his friend on the back.

"Deku! Vulture!" Izuku dropped his hands, drawing his attention to the source of the voice. He saw Seihashi walking up to them with a smile on his face, this time wearing a yellow suit and red tie with the same hairstyle as before. "Glad you can make it!"

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