The Hero Festival

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"When Seihashi said this would be the grandest Hero Festival yet, he was not joking."

Izuku barely heard what Vulture said, as his whole being was swirling with excitement. His eyes were gleaming with such joy that it felt like he had resorted back into a child, looking around the venue of the Hero Festival.

Their taxi had arrived at the Hero Festival about 10 minutes ago, and the two have been wandering about the place, mainly due to Izuku pointing at almost every site, rambling on and unable to contain his giddiness. He'd never been to the Hero Festival personally when he was young, only watching the parade on TV, so it all seemed unreal to him.

"Vulture look!" He exclaimed, pointing to a long runway at the distance. "That's where the parade is going to take place. It looks even cooler in real life!"

"Gosh, I didn't think your fanboy levels could reach critical, yet here we are." Vulture commented, visibly rolling his eyes, but the smile on his face betrayed his attempt at annoyance.

"Sorry! But I can't help it." Izuku apologised, though not sounding sorry at all. "To think that I'm actually here. To patrol here and keep it safe. I-It just feels so unreal!"

"Yeah, I get that." Vulture laughed. "But speaking of which, we should really find the others before it's too late?"

"Right!" The two continued to walk through the large venue, searching for their friends. Izuku then took out his phone and looked through his friend group chat. The most recent message there was an image of a circus-like tent at the festival, with a text from Iida:

'Right now, I am standing near this tent. I suggest we should all meet up here before heading for the main meeting place.'

"So, Iida said to meet up at the tent..." Izuku muttered to himself, looking at both the text and his surroundings. "So, that should be somewhere... down..."

"Hey, Deku!" He stopped in his tracks, frantically looking around and finding the source of the all too familiar voice, ignoring the fluttering feeling in his chest. A tap on the shoulder from Vulture directed him to the location. Next to the circus tent, stood Uraraka waving at him, along with Iida.

"Hey, there are you!" Izuku greeted, waving back as the two walked towards them. At closer inception, he noticed that Uraraka was wearing her pink visor with her costume, whereas Iida had his helmet on.

"Hey, Uravity, Ingenium." Vulture greeted once they reached them.

"Good afternoon! I'm glad you made it on time." Iida mentioned, sounding very pleased, as well as slightly muffled from his helmet.

"Yeah. I'm surprised we're the only ones here so far." Vulture commented.

"Well, Mina's here as well." Uraraka mentioned.

"Oh right, you did say she was here." Izuku remembered. "But, I don't see..."

He didn't finish his sentence before a body of weight slammed into his back and arms wrapped around his chest, nearly lifting him up from the ground and causing him to shriek.

"Midoriya!" The cheerful voice of Ashido, along with Uraraka's laugh, caused him to relax as she shifted her position to stand next to him, wrapping her arm around his neck. "Long time, no see! How are you doing?"

"Hey, Ashido. I'm doing well, thanks." Izuku smiled and chuckled. "How about you?"

"Not bad myself, thank you." She replied. "Sorry, we couldn't catch up during the Meet Up. Was too busy catching up with Uraraka, you know."

"Oh no, it's OK." He insisted. "I saw you talking with her, so I didn't want to disturb."

Ashido chuckled. "Same old Midoriya. Glad to see that side hasn't change." Izuku rubbed the back of his head from the compliment, causing her to laugh. Her attention then drew to Vulture, who gave a quick wave at her.

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