Chapter 13

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                                                                               Alice's POV

  I looked up and smiled shyly at Alexis. "Hi?" I say, but it comes out sounding more like a question. Alexis glared at me, then at Rose. She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. I wondered what she was thinking about, but most of all I wondered who "T" was. I thought about asking, but shook that thought out of my head. Instead I looked at her outfit. She had changed out of the clothes she was wearing at our house. Now she was wearing black skinny jeans and black converse low tops. She was wearing a white lace top that was see through so you could see the black bra she was wearing underneath. The shirt could have easily looked trashy, but on Alexis it looked girly and cute. I briefly wondered if the girly look was what she was going for.

  "Care to explain why you two were standing outside my door?" Alexis asked. Rose and I looked at each other. What were we supposed to say? That we were listening to her phone call, or that we came by to try and get her to come back to the house with us? I figured the first one wouldn't make her as angry as the second. "We were waiting for you to finish your phone call before we asked to come in.” I explained. A look of surprise flashes in her eyes. I guess she was expecting me to say we were here to drag her back to Jasper. "There's a difference between waiting for someone to finish talking and listening to their conversation." Alexis says with a slight smirk on her lips. I guess she wasn't as mad as we thought she would be. Suddenly she turns on her heels and walks deeper into the hotel room. She stops at the bed, and sits down. "You can come in." She says to us. Rose and I look at each, and I could tell we were thinking the same thing. Alexis was dangerous, and right now we were like sheep walking into the lion's den.

                                                                                        Alexis' POV

  "You can come in." I told the two girls. Alice and Rosalie shared a look of fear. They were afraid of me I realized. I chuckle and shake my head at the though. I had no intent of hurting them, but they had good reasons to be afraid of me. "What's so funny?" Alice asks me. The two girls walked into my room, and were now standing a couple feet in front of me. I smirk. "Nothing." I say. She nods like she doesn't fully believe me, but she doesn't question it. I sigh. "Why are you really here?" I ask. They share a look. They were starting to annoy me every time they did that.  Rosalie looks away from Alice, and looks me in the eyes. "Jasper wants you to come back and-"

  "No." I cut her off, glaring at her for telling me something I didn't want to hear. "What do you mean 'no'?" Alice asked. "I mean no. I'm not going back." I snap at her. "Why?" Alice presses. Why do these people like asking so many damn questions? "Because I don't want to talk to my brother who I assumed was dead." I growl.

  Alice was starting to get on my nerves. This conversation was going to make me snap at this girl. “I don’t understand that.” Rosalie says. I sigh. “I. Don’t. Want. To. Talk. To. My. Brother.” I tell her like I’m speaking to a four year old. Rosalie growls at me. “Watch your mouth.” I stand up quickly. “Make me.” I challenge. Alice moves so she’s standing in between us. “No. There will not be a repeat of what happened at the house right now.”  She hisses at the two of us. "Maybe if she learns not to try and boss me around, I won't have to hurt her." I say while looking Rosalie in the eyes. "Maybe if you stopped acting like an immature kid with anger management issues, I wouldn't have to try and control you." Rosalie says.

  Alice sighs. "Will you two ever stop fighting?" she asks. Rosalie and I look at her. "Doubt it." we say in unison. Alice shakes her head. "Of course you won't." she mumbles. I chuckle. "Did you really think we wouldn't fight after that blowout earlier?" I ask. Alice nods. "I hoped you would." She admits. "Back to the original reason we're here. What would it take for you to go back to your brother?" Rosalie asks me.

  "A miracle. Or something in it for me." I say."How about I sweeten the deal you have with Alice?" Rosalie asks. I look at her.

"I'm listening."


Merry Christmas for everyone who celebrates it!! I'm really sorry that it's been forever since I updated this story, but I had a lot of schoolwork to do, and I didn't have a lot of free time. Since I'm on break from school, I'm going to try and update a couple more times before I have to go back.

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