chapter 3

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Hey guys. sorry I was gone for a while, I got grounded, but I'm back


I must be losing my mind. Jasper disapppeared in the middle of the Civil War, and now 170 years later, he shows up in some random forest in some sleepy small town. The other blonde man cleared his throat, bfore asking "Who are you?" I wasn't paying attention to him though. My eyes flickered to him for barely a second, but for the most part, my eyes never left Jasper. If he recognized me, he wasn't showing it. All of the kindness I saw in my blurry, human memories, was gone now. "Jasper?" I whispered. "How do you know Jasper?" the small girl next to him asked. "Jasper, please tell them." I begged

"Tell us what? Jasper what is she talking about?" Instead of answering, he walked forward until he was standing over me. "Impossible." He bent down and pulled me off the ground. "Alexis? Is it really you?" So I wasn't going crazy. This really was my brother. I nodded, not trusting my voice to come out right. He smiled and laughed as he pulled me into a bone crushing hug, the kind of hug that would have hurt if I were still human. "Jasper, are you going to tell us who this is?" the small girl called to us. While still smiling, he said "This is my sister. Alexis." 

"Are you going to stay with us?" the woman next to the blonde man asked me. I shook my head but Jasper said "Yes, she is."

"Great. Like we need someone else in this family." snapped the blonde girl. "Rosalie." the blonde man scolded "She's Jasper's sister, Jasper is part of our family, and that means she will be to. If you want to." He finished with a kind smile. I was starting to feel kinda unconfortable. I mean, they were willing to let me join their family and they barely knew my name. I couldn't stay with them. It would mean staying in one place. Forever. No leaving, no meeting new people, and by the color of their eyes, no human blood. I started shaking my head. "No, no, no, no, no." With each no my voice got louder, from a whisper to a point where I had to fight to keep my voice even and from showing too much emotion. All talk stopped and they all were looking at me. "Jasper, I'm glad I found you and all, but there's some things I have to take care of before I can.... belong to a real coven." 

"What do you need to take care of that you have to do alone?" He asked me. Great. My 2 options were tell them or run. Can you guess which one I picked? My eyes flickered to everyone for a few brief seconds before I turned around and ran away as fast as I could. I was about half way through the forest before I got tackled to the ground by the small girl that Jasper was with. "Ow." I mumbled as my head landed on a rock that was sticking out of the ground. "Why don't the rest of you go back to the house. I'll make sure Alexis gets there." Jasper looked like he wanted to protest, but Alice assured him by saying "Relax Jasper. I won't hurt her." When he walked far enough away where I was sure he couldn't hear me, I said "Yeah, you'r really not going to hurt me. Just tackle me to the ground and dig my head into a rock. Will you let me up?" Alice jumped off me and helped me up. "Thanks." I grumbled. "You're welcome." She mumbled back to me, in a mocking tone. "Can I leave, or are you going to drag me back there?" I asked gesturing towards the house Jasper ran towards. You have to go. Jasper missed you. And now that he knows that you're alive, he really wants to keep you around wih him."  I sighed. She really wanted me to stay here. But I couldn't, He would find me and that fight would end in a blood bath involving all of Jaspers family. "How about I make you a deal.....? Um.. I'm sorry. I don't know your name." She extended a hand "I'm Alice. And you're Alexis. Right?"

"Yup. The one and only Alexis Whitlock." 

"So why don't you want to come with us?" I sighed. They all want to know the answer to that million dollar question. "Because I'm a dangerous person to befriend. That's also the reason I prefer to travel alone." 

"How about I make a deal with you?" Alice asked.

"I'm listening." I answered wearily

"Stay with us for 2 weeks, and if by the end of those weeks if you still want to leave, you can. Deal?" She said, extending her hand for me to shake. I Took her hand and shook it.


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