Chapter 1

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Dedicated to Rayne_6696
She is the cowriter to the story if anyone knows how to do the dedications could you please help me out I tried to do it but I just can't figure it out any help i greatly appreciated.

Stiles POV

I don't know what's going on. All I know is these weird people that were not like us had came into our home with these long black things that made loud banging noises as they lit up. Mommy got scared and said "we have to get out". Mommy grabbed me by my neck and she started to run to the back of the tunnel, to our exit hole. When we got there red and orange flames were coming in. Mommy stopped and went to go back but those people were there, they pointed those long things at us and it made that loud bang sound as mommy ran back to the flames and jumped out. It was really hot when she went through. She was running really fast out the forest and away from those people. I remember her telling me that not everyone is like us. That some don't get to be both human and fox and the ones that are just human are mean and will hurt us if they ever find us. Just like those people back there. Mommy is running faster than she ever has before. She jumps a fence and I get to look back for a tiny bit and I see that the bad men are far behind us. She stops and puts me in some really tall grass.

Mommy changes to be a person quickly and tells me "stay here, don't get up and stay low, I will be back for you. Whatever you do stay as a fox don't change into a human you are safer this way. If they find out what you are those bad people will hurt you. I love you." Then she took off running. I went to get up and go after her but then got back in the grass and laid down as I heard the bad men come running past me and after mommy. Then I hear one really loud bang from not far away. I stayed there like mommy told me to all night. Mommy never showed up. But I still stayed. I started getting sleepy while waiting and thought mommy will just wake me up when she gets back. As I started to close my eyes I seen something coming over to me. I don't know who it is and it didn't smell like anything I have ever smelt before.. But I was so tired I fell asleep anyway.

Derek's POV

I was walking through the woods by my home when I heard a gunshot. My mother always warned us of the hunters around here and the best thing to do was to stay calm, stay in human form, and hide. I hid behind a tree and used my wolf hearing to listen closely.

"We got that monster but didn't she have a pup with her too?" One guy said.

"Yeah but that thing won't live long without a mother." Another answered. Then the men got into their cars and drove off. Next thing I know my mother, my uncle and a few others come running probably to investigate the gunshots.

"Derek!" I hear my mother yell. I go running out over to her.

"I'm okay, mom, but I heard the hunters say something about killing a pup's mother."

"Derek there are no pups around here except for our own which have all been accounted for. And there's not another pack for miles and miles," my uncle says.

"But I heard what they said and they mentioned a--," I tried reasoning. "Derek, just head home, Laura is worried and waiting for you. We are going to go find out what happened." My mother cut me off.

"Go ahead Derek," my uncle said. And then I started back home.

Talia's POV

After we sent Derek home me and my brother went to see what the hunters had killed and to see if they left anything behind. When Derek talked about a pup I thought of Claudia and her pup, but she's been in hiding for awhile. Ever since her cub Stiles was born she only came out to hunt.

"Hey Talia, I got something over here," Peter yelled. I went over to him and say a trail of blood. We followed it and wnoe came to a body. It was a fox. The fur was slightly burnt and the there was a hole in the chest.

It looked like she was in mid transformation she had fur on her body but still looked like a human just with fox ears, teeth and claws. Peter when to go touch the fox but I grabbed his shoulder before he got to close "Careful Peter the bullet has wolf's bane in it and I'm willing to bet the fire that burned her did also," I told him.

"Who is she?" Peter asked.

"Claudia, Derek was right about a pup. Hers is somewhere out there unless the hunters found him, if he isn't found soon he will die." Then we heard yelping, and screaming coming from the direction of the house.

"Let's go!" I said looking toward my brother. We then changed into our wolf forms and ran back to the house.

Derek's POV

I turned into my wolf form to get home faster than walking in human form. Which is an all black wolf with the standard golden yellow eyes.

A little while later I heard a noise, kinda like slow breathing, coming from some tall grass just off the path. I slowly walk toward it and as I get closer the breathing turns to light snoring. I push the grass aside to find a bright orange ball of puff...?

That was the only way to describe the thing. I've never seen anything like it before. It looks like a wolf just smaller, thinner, and with sharper-angled features and bright orange which I have never met a wolf this orange.

Curled up in a ball like that it looked kinda cute... *cough* if you are into that kinda stuff... Then I realize this must be the pup the hunters were talking about.

Haha and they didn't believe me. Well just wait and see I'll bring it home and show them I was right.

So I went over and grabbed the pup around its neck with my teeth, something I've seen older wolves do with their pups to make it easier to carry them in wolf form.

About half way back to the house the pup wakes up.

Then it starts freaking out, yelping, crying, and wiggling around in my grasp, making it really hard to keep a hold of it. It didn't stop at all the entire way home. By the time I got there my mother and uncle were already home.

They came out running at the noise along with my older sister, Laura. "Derek!" She yelled, "What is that!" I lay it down, since the crowding had stunned it into silence, and changed back to my human form.

"Yeah. what is it?" I say looking over at my mother and uncle.

After a few minutes of silence "Its a fox," my mother answered.

And that ends chapter one everyone thanks for reading leave a star/ favorite if you liked it and follow to be alerted about updates. Thanks for reading. Bye!!

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