Chapter 6

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A short chapter but hopefully you all like it sorry for making you guys wait for so long

Stiles POV

When I woke up.... Wait I was sleeping?!?I must of because I'm no longer in the woods...unless I'm dead. OH MY GOD! I'M DEAD!!! Ow ow ow pain okay not dead yay but where am I. I look around and it's a white room. This guy came in to the room.
"Oh good you're awake. I'm Sheriff Stilinski" The old looking guy said
"Um hi"
"Oh my god! HE'S AWAKE I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE! YAYYYY" this kid came running in yelling
"Um what's going on?" I asked
"This boy here, Scott, had hit you while you were running out the woods." The sheriff said.
"You came out of no where dude and there was so much blood I thought you were dead" the boy Scott said.
"Where am i?" I asked
"You're in the hospital, son" sheriff said. "What's your name this way we can contact your parents"
"Stiles" I said "but I don't have parents"
"Then who looks after you" the guy asked
"I don't know" I answered "No one I think"
I couldn't remember. Anything. Well except... except my name. But everything else was blank. I don't know what's happened to me.

Derek POV
"Lahey... Isaac Lahey. Where are you?" I say under my breath I'm sitting in my black car outside of Beacon Hills high school. I'm looking for the first person I plan on making a part of my new pack. ive been waiting for the school to let out for seemingly longer than the half hour i have been. All due to the fact that when I'm alone the bad and painful memories, even those that were once good memories, run through my head without filter. As long as he accepts the bite, because I refuse to force this life on someone. Though the targets I have in mind on the other hand don't really have a better choice other than to join me.
Isaac Lahey is a teen that lives with his widowed father who is an abusive alcoholic, and has practically no real friends. The perfect target to offer a new, better life to. There is no way he'd refuse. Just as I was about to leave the school parking lot and just wait for the kid at his house, I see him come out of the school and head toward the lacrosse field alone. Usually I notice the players stand outside the school and talk with their friends. That means I'll get the chance to talk to him alone and get his answer then if he accepts the bite, I get the start of my new pack. I get out of my car and start to follow Isaac to the field. I run through the woods using my super speed to get in front of him and on the field.
"Isaac Lahey!" I yell out when he gets close.
"W-Who are y-you." he stuttered looking up at me.

Sorry for the long wait guys hopefully the next weeks coming the story will be posted more. Hope you enjoy.

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