Chapter 7

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Stiles POV
I've been in the hospital for for a couple days now. The doctor said they will release me today. The only problem is they don't know who to release me to. They keep asking me where my parents are and I tell them I don't know but they keep asking. I told the one older guy, the sheriff, that I remember a fire but I don't know. The sheriff said he will take me in and take care of me. That teen guy, Scott, he's cool he told me how he and I are gonna be good friends. He stopped by every day. We would talk and hang out. He brought this thing called an Xbox and we played Halo a lot. Five days after arriving to the hospital, I leave in the police car with the sheriff to go to his....our house.
The sheriff told me I would have to start school today. He told Scott to come get me and help me out. The sheriff said he made sure me and Scott had all the same classes this way he could help me out. Scott been telling me about this spot called lacrosse he plays. He said I should join it would be fun.
Derek's POV
"W-Who are y-you." he stuttered looking up at me. I can hear his heartbeat speed up in his chest.
"Someone who is willing to offer you a better life. If you are willing to take it..."
"W-What do you mean a-a better life?"
"What if I told you I could give you something that could make you powerful. Faster, stronger, no longer having to go unnoticed, no longer having any person more powerful than you."
"Really, how could you do that..." he asked me.
"I am gonna need your answer before I can tell you anything more."
"Uhhhhh. I'll have to think about it." He says looking down.
Just as I was about to tell him no, that he had to make it now, the other players had began coming out of the lockers. "you have 3 days, til friday then I will have my answer." and before he can look up I had already vanished. As I run threw the woods to get back to my car I smell another wolf nearby. It doesn't smell like a normal wolf... It smells like an alpha. It's probably the alpha that killed Laura.. Should I go after it? I ask myself. No not alone or else I'll end up just like Laura and I can't avenge her if I'm dead too.

Stiles POV

I was sitting on the bleachers after school waiting for Scott and the rest of the guys to come out the locker room. Scott had me come to a lacrosse game practice so I could see what it was like. I seen one of the guys come out. I believe his name was Isaac. He is one of Scott's friends I met today at lunch. While Isaac was on his way over this guy came up to him. He was creepy looking he had this scowl look on his he was angry about something. I couldn't hear what they were saying but Isaac looked confused. When the rest of the team started coming out the locker room the guy ran away.........maybe he's a pedo and was after Isaac.

Later that day Scott and I were at my new house hanging out in my room. Scott was telling me all about this girl he met that moved here not too long ago, Allison I'm pretty sure her name is. Scott seems completely obsessed with this girl. In the middle of his talking we overheard the sheriff on the phone with the station. Apparently there's a dead body found out in the woods. He hung up the phone and came upstairs to my room.
"Boys! I want you both to stay in tonight. Scott, I already talked to your mom you can stay but if you do wanna go home you've got to go now and only straight home." The sheriff came in and told us.
"Does this have to do with the body that's found?" I asked.
"Yes..... How did you.."
"I heard your conversation on the does it?" I answered honestly. I really could hear the entire conversation. Even the person on the other side of the phone. It seems that I have extremely great hearing.
"Yes...but that's not the whole reason....we are trying to find the other half of the body." Sheriff said "now please stay in. Don't go out, I have to go"
The sheriff left and I looked at Scott.
"Wanna follow them?" I asked.
"I kinda wanted to stay in and get some sleep for tryouts tomorrow" Scott answered.
"Yes because sitting on the bench is soo tiring" I reply because that's what Scott and i always end up doing because as much as he wants to be good we suck and his asthma doesn't help his cause any.
"Actually this year i am going to make the team. First line in fact!" He replied hopping up, off my bed.
Fine, if you're gonna make first like then you could use some endurance training in the form of a hike in the woods! And since we are already there, we might as well help in looking for the body!" I say grabbing him and dragging him to my jeep forcing him to come with anyway.

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