|| Chapter 3 || The Battle Trials Have Begun

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Izuku steps into the classroom that was devoid of any people and walks over to his seat next to the window. He places his backpack down and grabs his notebook and other supplies out. He decides to look over all the notes he's written so far in his notebook. Atleast, that's what he wants them to think.. He knows that they're watching him. There are cameras all over UA, so the smart move would be to just act like a normal UA student. Secretly, Izuku was actually devising a plan to hopefully eliminate any suspicions of him being the traitor.
. . .

'So as soon as we can get-' Izuku's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. He hadn't even realized that it was already 7:50 A.M which was around the time that students started coming in.

The person who opened the door Iida, and behind him were a few more people. Uraraka, Tsuyu, Todoroki, and Tokoyami. Midoriya decided to put his notebook down and go greet them with his signature smile. They all talked for a bit before heading to their seats. For the remainder of the time, more students started entering the classroom and going into their groups.

Todoroki and Izuku were currently talking about their mothers.

"So how was the visit to your mother yesterday?" Izuku asks. "It was alright, we've managed to make some more progress. We mostly talked about school. She's also getting much better these days." Todoroki replied with a small smile.

"That's great! I hope I can meet her soon after she feels much better! She seems really sweet and I think both of our moms would be great friends too." Izuku says happily.

"That would be nice.. Oh. And how's your mother doing?" Todoroki says.

"She's actually on vacation traveling to different places and relaxing for a few weeks because she's been working non-stop for a long while. So I'm all alone for a while." Izuku says while rubbing his neck and chuckling.

"Oh-" Their conversation was interrupted by the bell signaling that class was to begin.

"Ah, class is about to begin. Talk to you later Todoroki!" Midoriya gives Todoroki one last smile and heads to his desk. Todoroki does the same.

When Mr. Aizawa finally walks in, everyone quiets down. "Alright class, today there will be no studying." Aizawa says tiredly. A few students began cheering and shouting happily.

Mr. Aizawa sighs. "Anyways, we're going to be going to the Ground Beta today, so dress into your hero costumes and get on the bus. All Might will explain the rest of the details once we get there.

Almost the entire class got excited and began leaving the classroom. They all got changed after a short while and got on the bus. They all talked and joked around on the bus until they finally arrived at the Ground Beta. Everyone began departing the bus and walked over to a building. They entered the building and went over to a monitoring room which was surveillancing the other buildings where they were probably going to do something.

"Alright everyone, you may be wondering why we are here, yes? All Might says loudly like he usually does. All the students just nod. "Well today were going to be doing the Battle Trials again to see how much you've all improved. Now before we start, let me remind you how it works."

Some students already knew how it works, but there were students like Kaminari who didn't remember a single thing.

"So first off, in a match there will be two teams, a Hero Team and a Villain Team. The battle trial is meant to replicate a situation where the villains are hiding a payload somewhere in the building. The villains also get a five minute headstart in the building before the Heroes can enter. For the Heroes to win, they must either secure the payload or capture the villains with the capturing tape. The villains can get a win if they can successfully protect the payload within the time limit or capture the Heroes with the capturing tape. Also please try to not cause too much damage to the replica buildings."

Now that everyone knew what they needed to do, they were really pumped up and excied to get started and show what they've learned.

"Mr. Aizawa has written down a list of the Hero Teams and the Villain Teams. Also, Aoyama will not be joining us today because he's currently fallen ill. Anyways, Aizawa.." All Might says while turning to Mr. Aizawa.

"Okay so.... For the first round we have Sero, and Shoji on the Hero Team against Mina and Uraraka on the opposing team." The Villain team went to the building and had their 5 minute head start to get ready before the Hero Team could enter the building.

For the first match, it went by quickly. Shoji helped Sero sneak up on the Villain Team while they were just about to execute their plan and tape them up with his own tape before taping them with the capturing tape.

The rest of the matches went like this..

[ Heroes Team ] Koji Koda and Rikido Sato V.S [ Villains Team ] Toru Hagakure and Minoru Mineta  // Villains Won

[ Heroes Team ] Momo Yaoyorozu and Kyoka Jiro V.S [ Villains Team ] Tsuyu Asui and Mashirao Ojiro // Heroes Won

[ Heroes Team ] Shoto Todoroki and Denki Kaminari and V.S [ Villains Team ] Eijiro Kirishima and Fumikage Tokoyami // Heroes Won
. . .

"For the final trial, we have Bakugou and Iida on the Hero Team and Midoriya on the Villain Team." Aizawa stated. Almost everyone looked at Midoriya with pity. They all remembered what happened last time.. Even though he won, he was injured badly, and this time he's all alone. Izuku just chuckled awkwardly at his predicament. He inwardly smirked.

'This is going to be fun.'

. . .

Hello, it's me Random Author. Just to let you you know, the story currently takes place after the UA Sports Festival. Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter and if there are any mistakes, feel free to let me know. Thank you :) - Random Author ~

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