part 9

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Alright I'm getting a little lazy this chapter I'm sorry..
Let's just say the whole Dressrosa thing is done with now and it's skipping to where they're departing for wano, in the two groups... I'm sorry... But if your caught up you know what happened in Dressrosa and Zou island... So again I'm sorry I've been a little lazy.
And I'm going off the story line just a little this chapter

(S/t): skin tone
We we're now on law's submarine attemptin' to head to wano, hopefully without fault. But it never goes anyone's way ever does it. Life's never been fair to any onlookers, who hope to live their life to the fullest, like Luffy and Me, hell even someone like Law, he really didn't get a fair go at childhood.. all of it just taken from him.. all because someone who's never had to worry about life being unfair said some stupid things, and Bam! Everybody he ever loved was gone... Not once but twice. I can't even begin to feel that... Seeing it's only happened once.. and it was my fault....

A storm was brewing in the air, I could smell it, I looked at bepo who took notice too, "Captain," bepo yelled cautiously.

"What is it Bepo?" Law answered calmly towards the anxious white polar bear.

"there's a storm approaching...A big one too."

"Damn it why now." Law was slightly ticked off.

"I'm sorry" the polar bear bowed his head in a apology.

"You can't help the weather Bepo, you adorable little thing." You squeezed the marshmallow like bear, taking in the softness of his fur.

"Everybody get inside we're gonna dive." Law hurried everyone in.
Everybody was heading in when a huge wave towered over the small submarine.


"damn it." You heard, taking notice to penguin's jumpsuit stuck on something at the side deck.

"Tch" you ran over to penguin

Law looked back seeing you trying to help Penguin, "(Y/n), penguin move your Asses double time!"

"I'm trying! " 'DAMN IT I can't get it'
The wave was about to crash down when Law shut the metallic door. Next a blue orb formed and penguin  was suddenly replaced by Law and a barrel. He quickly tied you and him to the barrel. You were confused but went with it.

The wave crashed down you and law were both swept into the crashing ocean.

You panicked, your both Devil fruit eater's you'd surely drown. Then it hit you that's why he tied you to the barrel...

You looked at Law, who was unable to move, just like you, your lungs already feeling pressed. Until you couldn't hold it, you let it out, not being able to get anything but water, 'it hurts' was all that went through your head. 'guess this is it huh...well it doesn't matter I'm less if a burden this way heh'
And everything fades.


Law's POV

It's cold and hard, what the hell.. I open my eyes looking in front of me. It was the ocean... And am I on a giant Boulder? It hit me fast, "(Y/N) where is she!?" I look and see the rope still tied around my waist, The barrel on its side, I followed the rest of the rope, sighing in relief at the bundle at the end,....not moving,.... Not breathing!
I get over and check her pulse, it was weak but it's there. I get to work, doing chest compressions, and giving her air.

I was at it for 10 minutes with no sign of improvement, and I was about to give up. Until I was doing chest compressions again she spit up a ton of water, and coughing. She sat up breathing hard.
"How many times are you gonna get hurt around me (Y/n)-ya?"  I untied the rope from my waist. Standing up, waiting for a response.

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