3) who are you?

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(Day 2)

        After I woke up, I didn't leave the room for the entire day. I feel claustrophobic- I suppose I got too used to the open outdoors and the ability to go anywhere. I haven't been contained to a building since I was a child, living in an actual home. I haven't eaten anything except the plate of food I woke up next to, and a bottle of water that Tyler clearly left me. 

      I've noticed that Tyler has not kept up with having me guarded. He walked away from the door about half way through the day yesterday, and no one came to take his place. Either he trusts that I'll stay, or he knows his hearing could catch pretty much all of my movements. Even if I was planning to escape, I know it'd be pointless. After thinking it through, I've realized an entire pack is outside that window. There's no way they wouldn't smell a rogue and report me immediately. The only thing that could result from that is a bad end to the week- either being stuck here longer or even dead. My life might not be great, but I don't have a suicide wish. My will to live is the only thing that keeps me strong.

     A knock on the door startles me, though my wolf isn't surprised. She's never caught off guard, making her wiser than me in some ways. While her instincts can't be clouded by human thoughts and ego, sometimes those things intercept in other aspects. For example, the natural state of distraction and emotion that humans live in is often what makes it harder for wolves to recognize their mates. This is why the drugs that Melanie needs have become so popular- they melt away any feelings that would distract from this, making it impossible not to find them.

     "What do you want?" I call out, leading Tyler to open the door. He looks amused with me, and fire builds in my chest at the enjoyment he gets from my frustration.

     "Dinner's ready. Come with me," he orders, and I realize I have little choice in the matter. Why is he inviting me to sit at the table? Shouldn't I be served in my room, in isolation? Like yesterday?

     "Please tell me this isn't some stupid pack dinner," I grumble, following him through the hallway and down some stairs.

     "No, it's just me and you. They have their own duties and families," Tyler chuckles, like I was being funny.

     We sit down at the table in the dining room, and plates are put down in front of both of us. Our dinner consists of steak and rice, with buttered broccoli. A home cooked meal- something I haven't experienced in a long time. I take my first bite, forcing myself to hide how much I enjoy the food.

     "Let me know if you want more. You look hungry," Tyler comments, watching me eat my food a little quicker than normal.

     "Why are you being so nice to me?" I scoff, sort of disgusted. My hatred for packs runs deep, and some strange alpha who intercepts my business will never be an exception.

     "I ask the questions here. Who are you? There was no Ebony born to a pack that should be your age, and the rogue grapevine hasn't heard of one either," he says, observing my every move.

     "That's not your business. I'm not very connected with the 'rogue grapevine' as you called it," I dismiss, trying to keep my personal information private.

     "Listen, if you don't comply, you'll be here much longer than a week. I'll be forced to imprison you, or maybe even kill you. And God knows that won't be much of a problem for me." How can he say something so serious and threatening with a calm, lighthearted tone. He controls his temper very well for an Alpha- he doesn't power trip as easily as most.

     I consider my options, and I'm furious when I realize I've been backed into a corner. I need out; I need to leave this pack and get to Ember. A weeks long setback was bad enough, but the idea of not getting to London at all is what haunts me. Once I'm set upon a goal, I become determined to reach it.

     "My real name's Cassandra. But don't you dare ever call me that." I sigh, putting my fork down on my empty plate. I haven't said my real name since I left and chose my new one. There's too many strings and bad memories attached to my old name, and it didn't seem to fit the rogue life. When you're a rogue, your name has to be something memorable, so that people don't mess with you. If I had revealed my real name to everyone, they would know my story and walk all over me. A lot of rogues have been banished for killing and betrayal, but my case is different. 

    "Cassandra? Are you from a pack? Or rogue born?" Tyler pushes, now intrigued.

      "If you were doing all that research on Ebony, I'm sure Cassandra shouldn't be too hard. Figure it out." I say bitterly, my entire face expressing revulsion. Suddenly, Tyler slams his fork down onto his plate, creating.a loud clang that echoes through the room. His temper rises, as I can hear his heartbeat start to race and his breathing become heavier.

       "Stop disrespecting me. You are in my house, eating my food. You will answer the questions I give you," He demands loudly and angrily.

      "Did I ask to be here? You're forcing me to stay the week. I didn't come knocking on your door like a lost puppy begging to be fed. Your men woke me up on a bench in town and took me here. So no, you have not earned my respect and I will not kiss your ass. Goodnight." I tell him, emphasizing every word so he knows that I mean it. I make sure that my chair screeches against the floor as I pull it out, only to walk away back to my room.

      This is why I can't stand packs.

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