8) memory lane

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(Day 5)

Ebony's POV

      It's been a day since Tyler and I have spoken. Our last interaction was really strange, and now my wolf recognizes him as the Alpha, which is annoying. Of course, I do try to ignore her most of the time, so I hope it doesn't affect me too much. I'm trying my absolute hardest to hate him, even though he's been kind to me. I showed weakness, and now I regret it. I can't let this short stay change me and my beliefs- my hatred for packs is the only thing that motivates me. It's my driving force and what helps me stay focused and determined.

      I only have two days left here. If I push through, I can get to Ember and return the drugs to Melanie and her father. Hopefully he'll understand the delay, and I'm sure he's stressing right now over what's taking me so long. My mind races over everything that's happened since I've gotten here- how comfortable I've gotten. From hunting with a pack to crying on the Alpha, things have gotten a little too domestic for me. I can't let it dull my senses, I need to be sharp for when I leave. Only when I'm safe and sound in my own place in London will I let go, let myself feel at peace.

      Tyler knocks on my door, and my wolf get excited. She's been acting up around him recently, but I tell her to shut up, that soon, we're never going to see him again. She whimpers in response.

     "What?" I ask harshly, as he opens the door.

     "Let's have lunch downstairs. I want to talk," he says, as more of a demand than a question.

      I go to tell him 'no', but my wolf begs and begs for us to go until I give him. Sometimes having a wolf is annoying, but she's a part of me and I love her more than anything.

      "Fine." I reply, following him out of the room, all the way to the dining room table. There's two plates already set, and I assume his is the one with more food on it. I sit down across from him, looking down at the home cooked meal in front of me. My plate was filled with mashed potatoes, greens, and a lot of steak. I begin eating like a hungry dog, being that the food was absolutely delicious.

      "Cassa- Ebony, I mean," Tyler starts, obviously trying not to make me angry, "I want you to know that I know your story. It was hard to come by, I had to hear from word of mouth. How old were you, Ebony?"

      I gulped down the food in my mouth as my eyes shot up. There's no use in hiding anything now- he knows. "9." I reply, my voice small, practically inaudible.

      "9? You couldn't have known. You were a kid, there was no way for you to know not to let other wolves into camp. Kids want to be friends with everyone," Tyler says, his voice sweet. My wolf is loving his reassurance, her presence is warm but I just feel timid and frail for the first time in my life. My anger has washed away- all that's left is the memory of that day and the sadness it brings.

      I was only a kid, and I was running along the border of our territory, looking for leaves and rocks. A large group of men walked up, and they told me they were hungry and thirsty from a hunt. I asked them if they wanted something to eat- I was so innocent at the time, so kind. Of course, they accepted, and asked where was the best place to get into the pack's residential area without anyone seeing them. They were so nice to me, how was I supposed to know it was false?

      I just wanted to feed them. I led them around the back, into my house where my parents lived- the Alpha and the Luna of the pack. I watched my moms entire face pale when I brought these men into our kitchen. "Mommy, they're hungry." I told her, and just like that, they attacked her, beating her until she was dead. I still remember her cries and all of the blood everywhere.  Her screams drew attention of course, and more people came, including my dad, and killed the wolves off. They were a small rival pack, and I suppose I made it easy for them to attack. They took advantage of my naivety. 

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