"But all apprentices are permitted to journey to Starfalls once—"

     "Deadeye has proven he disregards the code that the Clans follow—in turn, most warriors assume any cats from the Gorge will fall in line with him. Medicine cats are sworn to a different code than the warriors, and would be more likely to understand if they see Blueheart and Skyfeather with a Gorge refugee." Heatherstar put emphasis on the word refugee, as if reminding Rockstorm that Spottedpaw no longer lived by Deadeye's rules. Spottedpaw shuffled her paws awkwardly when Rockstorm cast her a scrutinizing glance.

     "What she says makes sense," Swallowclaw spoke slowly, as though processing the idea. "Usually, it's the mentors that accompany their apprentice to Starfalls, but this certainly is a special circumstance where it would be sensible to make . . . exceptions."

     "Correct. I also need both of you here in case Deadeye makes a move. Swallowclaw, you're one of my wisest warriors; I want you present for advice in the event of an attack. Rockstorm, you're one of the best fighters here. You'll be on the frontlines defending us if things go awry." Heatherstar turned to Spottedpaw and narrowed her blue eyes. "As for you—find Blueheart and Skyfeather. They'll prepare you for the journey to Starfalls. I don't think I need to remind you to listen to what they tell you."

     Spottedpaw gave a swift nod and turned away from her mentors and her new leader. Hesitantly, she approached the medicine den. She paused before entering, listening to ensure their presence. When she heard rustling and muffled voices coming from inside the den, Spottedpaw nosed her way inside. Once inside, she spotted Blueheart and Skyfeather rummaging through their stocks of herbs.

     Spottedpaw took a closer look at their paws and saw that they weren't just rummaging through herbs—they were sorting out particular herbs and setting a select few in a delicate pile. Those must be the traveling herbs, she mused, taking a few steps closer to them.

     "Your herbs will be ready shortly, Spottedpaw," Blueheart mewed without looking up, his tone curt. Spottedpaw blinked in surprise.

     "A-Alright, Blueheart. Thank you," she stammered in response. Spottedpaw padded up behind them quietly and peeked at the herbs curiously, wondering how they'd taste.

     "Don't you know about personal space?" Blueheart snapped, his tail twitching in irritation.

     "Oh, let her be curious, Blueheart," Skyfeather spoke, a nervous chuckle erupting from her. "I'm sure she's excited to see Starfalls." Blueheart only gave a grunt in response and continued putting together the herbs.

     Spottedpaw shuffled closer to Skyfeather, peeking around her to watch them bundle the herbs together. Blueheart always seems so grumpy, she thought to herself, casting the elder medicine cat a half-interested glance. She noticed how, though he seemed healthy otherwise, his pelt was disheveled and dull. The sight reminded her of Molestrike, before she got sickly. He must be around her age. I wonder if medicine cats retire like warriors do?

     "The Starfalls is quite far away," Blueheart muttered as he prepared the herbs. "We'll have to set out right away—it's already well past sunhigh—almost sunset, and the moon rises faster the closer we get to leafbare."

     "Is it really that far away?" Spottedpaw asked, wonder filling her mind. If the spot was as sacred as they claimed, it must look magnificent.

     "It's far enough that we have to leave before it gets too dark," Skyfeather chimed in, pushing the traveling herbs to Spottedpaw. "Here, eat up—they're going to taste bitter, but you'll get used to it."

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