Chapter 5: Faba's last stand

Start from the beginning

"I refuse!" I said firmly, refusing to give him Silvally.

"Don't be so angry, you're the one who took it without permission," he said as I clenched my fists in anger.

"You think I'd give Silvally back to you? You, the one who said you'd take care of Silvally then put it in chains?! Lycanroc, Umbreon," both Pokemon got in front of me as they assumed battle stance.

"You're choosing to resist? Go Alakazam, Hypno," he released his Pokemon.

"Lycanroc, use Stone Edge."

"Quick Hypno, use reflect." The rocks dissolved into shards as I covered my face to prevent being hit. I'm not giving up...

"Umbreon, use Shadow Ball." The Shadow Ball went towards Alakazam but was countered with Miracle Eye.

"Once again, Stone Edge and Shadow Ball."

"Hypno, use Hypnosis. Alakazam, use Psychic."

Lycanroc was put to sleep due to Hypno's hypnosis while Umbreon was blasted onto the wall from Alakazam's Psychic.

"Umbreon!" I yelled over in concern.

"It appears you're done resisting young master, so give up."

"Never, I'm not done," I took out Silvally Primer Ball, ready to summon it anytime now.

"Sorry, I can't let you use that one. Hypno, use Hypnosis."

Hypno's coin began to move once again and I covered my eyes, trying to resist the move but failing as my vision became blurry with every second before I found myself in a black void.


Angie's POV

Everyone looked at Lillie in concern as she sat at her desk silently, she had been trying to touch Snowy but to no avail.

Ash decided to break the silence as he called Lillie to get her attention. She looked up at us as he continued to say with confidence, "It'll be okay, you'll be able to touch Pokemon again no doubt."

"It's important not to rush things," Lana remarked.

"We're all on your side," Kiawe reminded her as Mallow and I nodded in agreement.

"And Snowy is too," Sophocles added as Snowy happily concurred.

"You can do it Lillie," Mallow said in encouragement.

"I can? Really?" She asked with slight uncertainty.

"Come on Lillie, you can if you believe in yourself," I said in assurance.

Just then, Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet walked into our classroom.

"Lillie," Professor Burnet called out as the professors approached us.

She stood up in surprise before calling out in surprise, "Professor Burnet."

"I was wondering how you were, I love to see you smile. It makes me happier than I can say," she said.

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