Chapter 2

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Next thing I knew all I was hearing was a banging on my front door

''AMY!!!'' I could hear Sarah shouting through the door. I rubbed my eyes and I looked around me, I was still sat on the lounge floor where I was last night. Had I really just spent the night on my lounge floor? I groaned and heaved myself up.

''Amy Jenkins open your bloody door!!'' Sarah once again called through.

I stole a glance in the mirror and nearly screamed at what I saw. My hair was a tangled mess. My lovely smoky eyes were now smudged around my face with attractive mascara lines down my cheeks. Sarah was going to kill me. I crept to the door and opened it slowly.

''At last..... What the hell has happened Amy?'' Sarah whispered to me looking me up and down.

''You better come in'' I replied holding the door open for her.

Sarah came into my flat whilst I closed the door behind her.

She turned to face me ''Babe what has happened? You look awful. Come here''  and Sarah enveloped me in the biggest hug. I began to cry again but only small sobs this time. I think I had cried enough last night to last me a lifetime to be perfectly honest. I held onto her pressing my face into her shoulder as I calmed myself down to tell her.

I broke away from her and took a deep breath ''Ben ended it with me last night. He had cheated on me again and apparently a lot of times too. So this time it really is over and I may of slapped him'' I stole a glance at her

''That's my girl! He deserves so much more than just a slap trust me! You know what I'm going to say though babe! Good bloody riddance he never deserved you and I'm going to find you someone so much better. You know what they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else'' she winked at me

I laughed ''I don't think I'll be getting under anyone else for a while. I think Ben has put me off men for life!"

Sarah rolled her eyes at me "Babe not all guys are like Ben trust me! Just you wait the perfect guy will come walking into your life! And getting under another guy is definitely what you need and you know the exact guy to do it!'' She beamed at me

I sighed ''Liam? He's a friend and I can't ruin that. Besides I don't need anyone else right now. I'm a single lady'' I laughed

''Lady? Id hardly call you a lady! Have you seen the state of you right now?'' she eyed me up and down

''Oi! Devastated girl here remember?'' I slapped her across the arm playfully.

''Pfffft, tell ya what go and get showered and I'll make you a cuppa. How does that sound?''

''Sounds perfect'' I grinned back at her

A few hours later and I was starting to feel normal again. Me and Sarah had spent the rest of the day watching girlie DVDs and eating far too much chocolate. Sarah had to leave as she had plans with Jake that night. She made me promise to ring her if I started to feel rubbish again but I really felt stronger already. I went through the flat bagging up Ben's things and any pictures I had of us lying around and I put it all in the bin. Why keep memories of a shit relationship? I turned on my laptop and logged into Facebook. I defriended Ben and changed my status to single (which received quite a few likes from most of my friends may I add!) I then decided to do a spot of online shopping to make myself feel even better and I even treated myself to a few new bits of underwear! I then received a text from Sarah

'You are never going to believe this but guess what! Jakes mate Calum is back in town! Do you remember him? Xxx'

Did I remember him? I think the wetness that started to appear down below was telling me that I definitely remembered him!

'The player Calum? Xxx' I replied

A few minutes later her text pinged back

'The very one ;) xxx'

I laughed to myself. Calum was seriously hot and he knew it. The first time I had met him I had been at college and every girl loved him for obvious reasons. He was 6ft 2 with brown tousled hair and amazing brown eyes which just seemed to dazzle every female on the planet. But he was a player and I had always vowed to stay away from him but the reaction he caused in me just couldn't be denied. I texted Sarah back

'This spells trouble. How many girls is he on now? Xxx'

She replied immediately 'He's got a gf babe xxx'

Oh fuck I thought. We had once came close to kissing one drunken night in the city but since then I hadn't seen him and now he had a girlfriend? Good for him I thought. Maybe leopards really do change their spots. I replied to Sarah 'that's great maybe he's really changed :) xxx'

My phone pinged again but this time it was Liam 'hey just seen your Facebook. I really hope you're ok? :) We need a catch up soon. I've missed you xxx'

I groaned. Liam had always had a thing for me but I'd never really felt it back. But maybe Sarah was right. Maybe I needed just a quick fumble with him and he might move on? I text a quick reply to him 'Hey Liam. Yup single pringle again! But I'm getting there. Thank you for asking, I really appreciate it :) catch up sounds good to me xxx'

Another text pinged in from Sarah 'He asked about you. He said he's glad you split up with that prick and he wants a catch up with you ;) I've passed him your number ok? Xxx'

All I could reply was 'ok. I best go to sleep babe. Night night. Love you xxx'

She replied straight away 'your pleased really ;) night darl. Love you xxx'

I laughed and got myself ready for bed. Just as I was starting to settle down to sleep my phone pinged. 'Remember me? :P Cal xx'

Oh fuck..................

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