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The year was 1984 when the Shoreline Summer murders made world-wide news. When two boys fell in love. When some people were on their side while others weren't. When the life of five boys changed forever.

Summer was only beginning. Freshly out of high school, Harry decided he wanted to take a year off before going to college. And he also decided that that summer he was going to go on a small vacation. A "get-away" if you will. He just needed someone to tag along with him. There is nothing more boring then going on vacation by your lonesome. So that is why Harry is patiently waiting with a cup of tea in his hands for Liam, his best friend to come over. He was hoping Liam would say yes. 

Liam and Harry have been friends since sophomore year of high school when they had to be paired up for caring for a chicken egg. It was for science. Since then, they have been really good friends. They introduced each other to different kinds of music, drugs (although they mostly stuck to smoking weed) and even got so drunk they've hooked up a couple times. But that doesn't get in the way of their friendship. They see other people every now and then but nothing more than that. In Harry's eyes, they're just so familiar, they are each other's "normal".

While Harry waited for Liam to knock on his door, he sprayed down the counters. He never cleaned up from the pizza night Liam and him had. They made a slight mess. Harry was too high to clean up and ended up falling asleep in Liam's lap. Liam didn't stay the night. He never does. 

The radio sitting on the island in the middle of Harry's decent-sized apartment kitchen played Love Shack by B-52's. Harry opened the drawer for a rag and wiped down the dirty counter, dropping the crumbs onto the floor to sweep up later. The teapot on the stove started whistling, startling Harry. He forgot to turn the stove off once he poured himself a cup. Silly Harry. 

A knock sounded from the door and Harry yelled for whoever it was to come in. When Harry looked up to see who it was, he smiled from ear to ear when he saw Liam taking off his sunglasses and slipping them over his shirt. 

"Hey, man." Harry greeted, walking to the sink to rinse off the rag and his hands. 

"Hey, you smoke yet today?" Liam asked, going to the fridge and pouring himself a glass of sweet tea. 

"No, I was waiting on you actually. And I just made hot tea, if you preferred that." Harry dried his hands off. He could smell Liam's mint smell with a mix of cigarettes. 

"Awesome, well bring me the tray and you're crazy. It's like living in Satan's ass out there. So bloody hot." 

Liam introduced Harry to weed a couple months after they met. They went to a party together after sneaking out one night. And Liam's cousin was at the party who then hooked them up with some weed to smoke. Both Harry and Liam loved the way it made them feel plus it helped with their insomnia. It's great to have a friend who can't sleep just like you. 

Once Harry grabbed his rolling tray with his little bag of weed, a lighter, a bowl, and a grinder. He set it down in front of Liam who smiled back at Harry. 

"So I wanted to ask you something," Liam nodded for him to go on. "I know we just graduated a couple days ago and know you go to college soon but I was wondering--"

"Whatever it is- yes. Count me in. Let's go!"

Harry paused, hand up in the air and shook his head. "You don't even know what I was going to say." 

Liam shrugged. "Whatever it is, I want to do it with you. We only have a few months left until I have to move to Georgia for college. I'll miss you man." 

"What if I said I needed help killing someone?" Harry squinted his eyes, trying to look serious which only caused Liam to laugh. 

"Like I said, count me in."

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