Quote: William Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare

you say you love the rain,
but you open your umbrella.

you say you love the sun,
but you find a shadow spot.

you say you love the wind,
but you close your windows.

this is what I am afraid,
you say that you love me too.


This is honestly one of the strongest quotes that I have seen in a while.

It really embodies the true meaning of doubt when placed in a common situation.

It's like putting two and two together to get four, only to end up getting three because of doubt and no reassurance.

Love is a fragile thing. It takes many things to build it up, but only one thing to crack and crush it.

It is much like trust.

When someone loves you unconditionally, and you have doubts, it's the scariest thing. It causes you to worry about what they think constantly. You worry you aren't good enough.

And if you continue to question something, those doubts and fears; they tend to be forced on another person weather or not you wanted them to be.

So let it go.

If you see a problem or a possible doubt begin to raise.

Ask the love of your life about it.

Don't sit and dwell it will only cause more problems and fears.

Shakespeare is saying that you can't compare other things to your relationship.

It's one of a kind and it isn't the same as everyone else's. So don't try to make it that way.

You love the way it comes naturally.

Don't force it into something artificial.

Trust me.


Authors Note:

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