Chapter 31

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Samual and Keyan made speeches on what their goal was with uniting everyone. I managed to talk to some of the other Lunas on their lives. It was a wonderful insight to what I may end up doing in my own duties as a Luna. There was an evening meal before some more local alphas and lunas returned home while others who lived further a field were shown to spare cabins. I sat on the porch watching Keyan talk with Samual on their way back from settling everyone in. It had been a heavy day of debates and decisions, and it was obvious Keyan was exhausted and I couldn't wait to just curl up with him in our bed. Samual waved to me before heading to the cabin next door and Keyan walked up towards me. He stepped up on the porch and sat beside me on the bench with a groan.
I leaned into him and he put an arm round me, "god I'm exhausted." He kissed my head "ready to get some sleep?" He asked standing up and holding a hand out to me. I smiled taking it and he pulled me up.
"ALPHA!" Two men came running out of the tree line. We both turned as they stopped short of the porch, panting "sir..."
Samual came out of his cabin quickly "they've come." It had been a possibility that the leaders of the council would hear of what Keyan and Samual were attempting to achieve. Suddenly many of the wolves from our trip to my birthplace appeared with Katie and Caleb too. Keyan gave them a nod before turning back to me. Over his shoulder I could see them all transform and disappear into the trees.
"Stay here," he commanded.
"No, I'm coming too" I countered staring up at him.
"Amy you haven't shifted since the first time, I promise I'll help you get a handle on it but now is not the time." I put my hands on my hips and narrowed my eyes at him. With a huff he caved in, "fine." He led me out onto the snow then ran back inside bringing back a small bag. "I was saving this but you'll need it when we get to the edge of the territory." Placing the bag down he took my hands "now take a deep breath and will the wolf out. Should get easier the more you do it." I took a step back, took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes again I was on all fours, furry and looking at a beaming Keyan. "You are a natural," he cupped my jaw smiling before handing me the bag, which I grabbed with my mouth. He shifted too padding round to stand beside me, then nuzzled my side. Walking back to the porch he ducked his head down grabbing a bag too. I followed him as he headed out into the forest after everyone else who were already far ahead.

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