Chapter 13

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I watched the sun rising out over the valley as Keyan lay sleeping in the bed. Sitting curled up in the window seat with one of his shirts on, I let myself relax. However it happened I'd managed to find a place to belong, something I never thought would happen. I actually felt happy. Keyan was snoring a little which I'd come to love, there was so many little things that I noticed about him; like the way when he smiled there was a dimple on the right of his mouth. Climbing from the chair I went over to the bed and bent down. I then pulled my duffle bag out from under the bed. I sat on the floor with the bag in my lap and took out a tatty old blanket, it was grey but had been white. Clearly handmade this had been the one thing I'd always kept hold of, as though it could connect me to my beginnings. I was hoping it would somehow be holding a memory that could show me who I was.
The bed creaked as Keyan crawled to the edge and smiled down at me. His smile became a frown when he saw me with the blanket over my lap. "Morning, is everything okay?" I nodded and he climbed down from the bed scooping me into his lap. His hands stroked along the edge of the blanket as though he knew it himself. "Do you want to try?"
"Yes," I breathed the nerves of what we might find frightened me. What if what we saw something bad or worse nothing at all.
He stroked my hair over my shoulders, "the book said it's different from when you showed me your memory. We will be like ghosts so I'll be right there and when you want to end it I'll end it for you." He kissed the top of my head, it was the first time he'd kissed me at all and I really liked how it felt.
"I'm ready," I held the blanket tightly and closed my eyes.
Keyan's arms reached round me as he also held onto the blanket and whispered, "here we go."

I felt rain drops on my bare arms, then Keyan's hand slipped into mine. It was a stormy night, pitch black except the occasional lightning strike and a dim light hanging over a lonely door. We watched as a couple shrouded in hoods carried a bundle, the bundle was wrapped in my blanket. I squeezed Keyan's hand, my heart pounding so hard in my chest. He gently pulled me forward so we could watch as they came to the lonely door. The man pulled his hood down looking back from where they came straight through us. His eyes were afraid, desperate, he turned back to the woman who had also removed her hood. "We must be quick," he spoke in a hushed voice.
The woman placed the bundle on the door step under the light, she then tucked a envelope in the fold of the blanket. "We love you, my sweet Amy" she whispered kissing what I now could see was a baby.
The man squeezed her shoulders "it's for the best, she'll be safe hidden within the humans." She stood up and they ran through us back the way they came. I let go of Keyan and ran after them tears in my eyes, with the darkness swallowing me and the memory.

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