Chapter 20

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Keyan disappeared after the talk, I tried to follow him but he ran out of the cabin and I was too exhausted to chase after him. So I went and curled up on the sofa that faced the front door. After confessing how he felt I'd wanted to tell him I felt the same but he wouldn't even wait for a response before leaving.
The door clicked open and I sat up quickly but it was Katie coming back. She smiled at me but kept going into the kitchen. After sitting there ever so long I stood up letting the blanket fall on the floor. I went towards the door but was stopped when Keyan appeared out of nowhere he picked me up without a word and carried me in through a door to the left of the front door.
We were in now what looked like a study. Bookshelves lined all the walls except for a thin window looking out the front of the cabin and a small fireplace opposite that. A large mahogany desk sat in front of the fireplace and between them a big leather desk chair. Keyan perched me on the desk keeping his hands on my hips. One of his hands brushed up my side ending up cupping my face gently. He then leaned in pressing his lips against mine. I pressed up into him parting my lips a little. The hear between us was frowning to the point I grabbed onto his shirt with both hands. Sadly the phone sat beside me rang causing me to jump and Keyan to groan. He pulled back, grinned at me then answered the phone. "Hello this is..." with the phone he turned round away from me as he listened to the voice on the other end.
I sat feeling flushed, I'd never felt like this towards anyone. Never felt the deep undeniable desire to have someone like that. Shaking my head I watched Keyan as he finished on the phone turning back to me, "thank you. That's brilliant I'll let the pack know." He hung up the phone smiling at me, he picked me up and held me close. "Elder Samual is coming to assess the danger, we're gonna get help." There was relief in his voice. I was relieved too as, as far as I understood this could lead to some help dealing with the pack of rogues. He placed me back down gently "look I'm sorry for that. I just..."
"It's fine, in fact it's more than fine." I could feel my cheeks becoming warm, they were probably blushing red. "I've never felt that kind of feeling before, it felt good."
Smiling he bent low to kiss my lips just for a moment this time. I could tell he wanted more but something was holding him back again. "I should really start taking care of you properly," he wrapped one arm round my waste just before I felt a little faint. "Let's get something to eat, then I'm gonna make you rest while I organise our pack."
"Sounds like a good plan," I leaned into him as we left the study and headed for the kitchen for some much needed food.

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