Chapter 4

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Dragging my leg behind me I bit back tears and screams of pain. I had to get away, I could hear that beast taunting me as it followed me through the thick trees. The storm was getting far worse now as my torn leg got caught on some fallen branches. I fell hard into the mud this time letting the cry escape my body. I was going to die, I knew it. The beast circled me so I could see it's snarling face. The fur round it's jaw damp with my blood. A flash of lightning lit up its menacing snout seemingly grinning down at me. It was enjoying this, enjoying my pain. Closing my eyes I wished it wouldn't hurt so much preparing myself for the end, but it didn't come. Instead more snarling and a thud to my right. I opened my eyes seeing another one. This wolf had black fur, one paw was bright white pressing and digging into the first beast's neck. While I stared at this two more wolves, both a reddish brown flanked me. The one to my left bent it's snout down and looked at my torn leg, a look of concern in its eyes. The black wolf slashed its other paw over the first wolves face then released it. It scampered away into the tree line becoming a blurry as it galloped out of sight. I looked to the black wolf who moved close to me putting his head under my body as I felt it give way and I lost consciousness leaving the stormy forest far behind.

Warm, that was what I felt first then I smelt wood burning like in a fireplace. Then I opened my eyes. I was tucked into a large four poster bed in a large room. A fire burned in the fireplace to the left of the bed opposite was the door, it was open. I was covered with a huge blanket except on my torn leg which was wrapped in a bandage from my ankle to my hip. That's when I realised I was naked. Without time to adjust to this information a tall extremely handsome but stern almost angry looking man walked in. His eyes caught mine as he stepped towards the side of the bed I was on and he knelt beside me. He just stared at me but weirdly I didn't mind. After what seemed like well over 5 minutes he stood back up and walked over to the wardrobe. "Your body is still too sore for your tight clothing." He remarked pulling out a large t-shirt. I soon realised it was his and like the one he had on now it must have hugged tightly to his muscles. "You'll wear mine," this time when he turned back to me his eyes had softened a little. "You can't walk for a while so you'll stay here in the alpha's room."
I watched him as he carefully placed the shirt on my lap, "what do you mean by alpha?" He groaned at my question.
"Alpha of the pack you wandered into, as did that rogue mutt." He frowned at me "Do you not remember how your leg got in that state?" His tone was that of an arrogant man who clearly thought I was some dumb woman.
"I do, but are you saying that those wolves were actually werewolves?" I scoffed thinking he was crazy.
"Yes and you are the alpha's mate, highly unusual." Another groan escaped his lips while a chuckle escaped mine.
"And just who is this alpha?"
He bent down low his face close to mine, "I am." All the annoyance vanished and a soft smile spread on his face. Quickly he stood up and stifled a cough turning away "I am meant to protect you, I failed last night but I will help you to walk again and I won't force you to stay with me." I didn't know what to say, he'd suddenly become very concerned for me.
"My name is Amy, I'd like to know your name and maybe why I'm your mate when I'm not a werewolf." He turned back to me and smiled bending down again.
"My name is Keyan and I don't know why you're mine. You may call me Keyan but only when we are alone, everywhere else you must call me Alpha."

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