Chapter 12

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Keyan held me by the fire, my feet flat on the floor. We'd gone down for dinner but we're waiting for Katie and Caleb to come back from a run. Wanting to surprise them that I was finally back on my own two feet. Even in the last few hours I was able to apply a lot more pressure on my leg, this was to the point I could stand only needing to lean on Keyan or the bed post a little bit. "Are you sure you want to try? It's only been a few hours" Keyan looked down at me with concern in his eyes.
I nodded "yep, I think it was probably just stiff because I feel much stronger." Smiling up at him I could tell he was reluctant to let go of me. I did feel stronger and wanted to at least try so he didn't have to keep supporting me. Slowly he moved away as I placed more pressure on my leg. Once he had completely let go he grinned proudly at me. It felt a little sore but otherwise okay. I tried to take a step on the leg and it was okay I managed a couple more to Keyan before grabbing his shirt and he caught me. "See it was fine,"he gently squeezed me.
"Yeah you were right," he chuckled shaking his head at me. "Come on," he hooked his arm under mine and helped me slowly walk into the kitchen. When we got to the breakfast bar he lifted me up onto one of the bar stools.
The kitchen itself was very modern but in dark wood and black glittered granite. It had been newly refurbished Katie had told me over some toast the morning before Keyan arrived back from checking the perimeter. I watched now as Keyan began collecting various food items from the fridge and cupboards.
I heard the front door of the cabin click open and then Katie's cheerful voice as her and Caleb returned. They'd run as their wolf forms every night together which seemed quiet a romantic thing, I felt worthless to Keyan being human and unable to run like that with him. I was sure he resented me being human because of things like that.
Katie walked in followed by Caleb who was pulling on a large grey hoodie. "Oh no, Keyan is cooking" Katie teased her big brother, poking him as she took a seat beside me at the breakfast bar.
"Hope you guys like carbonara," Keyan chimed shoving chopped up bacon into a frying pan.
"I actually love carbonara," I said excitedly. It was a little strange the first meal he was cooking for us just happened to be something I loved having. I'd once tried to make it myself over a fire but that didn't go very well at all.
Katie slid off the stool beside me and walked over to Caleb, "hey I'm not that hungry." She nudged Caleb in the ribs with her elbow and he repeated "yeah I'm not that hungry too." Katie gave me a wink as they left Keyan and I alone.
Without lifting his head Keyan said "she thinks we can have a romantic dinner just the two of us." He spun round having now put the spaghetti on, "and we will."

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