Chapter 1

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I look back at my childhood home I sigh carrying my last box to the car. "Hurry up Lily!" Mum yells "I am!" I yell and shove my box into the almost overflowing back of our van. My parents thought that it would just be a lovely idea to move to Cheshire from Wolverhampton.

The school year is more than halfway over and even better I don't know a soul in Cheshire. Yay I will have no friends and everyone will already be settled into there groups. I get into the car and shove my headphones in blocking out my parents babble.

I watch my neighborhood flash by. I already said a tearful goodbye to all of my friends yesterday. Yay where here! note the sarcasm. I take out my headphones and get out of the car. The house they bought is nice and big but seeing as I am an only child I don't really see the point.

"You bedroom is up the staircase first door on the left" Mum tells me. I grab two of my boxes and walk inside. My mouth falls open why would we ever need this much space. I look around and see a large wooden spiral staircase.

I walk up it and open the door to my room. I see the movers have been busy. My bed is up against the wall and my desk and dresser are on the other side of the room. After carrying all of my boxes inside I go about unpacking.

I go downstairs after what feels like a years worth of unpacking. "Just in time I was just about to go and get you" Mum says setting my plate down on the table. "Lily there has been a change in plans you will have school tomorrow" Dad tells me. "Isn't that just lovely dear" Mum says.

"That sounds great" I say feigning excitement. My parents talk to each other totally forgetting about me as per usual. I finish eating, leave the plate on the counter, and return to my room. Sometimes I think that my parents honestly forget that they have a kid.

I lay down on my bed dreading tomorrow.
Dad drops me off at the front of the school. I make my way over to what I hope is the office. An elderly woman looks up from a pile of papers "may I help you?" She asks "I am a new student and I need my schedule" I tell her. "First and last name please" she asks "Lily Crane" I tell her.

She expertly digs through her papers and hands me two slips of paper. "This one is your schedule and this one is the map of the school" she tells me and I wander out into the hallway. I see the preppy girls huddled around a guy. He has brown curly hair and lightly tanned skin.

He's flirting away with them I roll my eyes. A girl with curly red hair and brown eyes comes over to me. "Hello my name is Abby you must be new here" she says smiling. "Yes my name is Lily" I say "come you can sit with me and my friends."

I smile gratefully and follow her over to her table "Lily that's Mark" she says pointing to a blond guy with spiky hair and gray eyes. "That's Grace" a girl with brown hair put up in a braid with blue eyes waves at me. "And that's Miranda" a girl with long blond hair and green eyes smiles at me.

"Everyone this is Lily" she says "hey Lily" all of them chorus. "Let me see your schedule" Abby asks me and I hand it to her. "Uh oh" Grace whispers making Abby look up. I see the guy from earlier walking over here.

"Hello my name is Harry Styles and you are?" he asks leaning up agains the wall beside me sending me a flirtatious smile. I mentally roll my eyes he has the word player clearly written on him. I put on a fake smile "Lily Crane" I tell him.

"Would you like to sit with us?" he asks me gesturing with his head to his table. "I would absolutely not want to but thanks for asking" I say turning away from him. Abby and her friends gasp and their mouths are hanging open.

"Come on a pretty thing like you should not be sitting with these losers" he says while moving to stand in front of me. "Harry I am going to only say this once. I want nothing to do with you or your little b word cult group" I tell him and I hear the cafeteria fall silent at my words.

"Excuse you" he says seaming shocked by my words. "No excuse you, if anyone is the loser here it's you. Now go back to your little group and leave me and them" I say gesturing to my table "the frick alone" I say smiling as I do so.

A chorus of ohs reach my ears and I just look away from him. I see out of the corner of my eye him walk off towards his friends. "You just told off Styles I give you props girl" Miranda says impressed. "He looks like a player that needed to be taken down a few pegs" I say shrugging my shoulders.

"He is such a player it was about time someone did something like what you just did" Mark says. "Me and you have first together so just follow me when the bell rings" Abby tells me. Bing I stand up and follow Abby to our class. I notice that it is math and I sigh.

I walk up to the teachers desk "oh you must be Lily. I am Ms. Sullivan" see says handing me a textbook. I sit next to Abby who saved me a seat. A few minutes after the late bell rings he walks in. I see the teacher give him a stern look but he just sits down next to some girls.

The rest of the school day was boring as heck but I ended up having at least one of each of my new 'friends' in each class. I walk outside and get into my dads car.

Harry's Point of View

I stare after the girl from earlier Lily I think is her name. She is sexy full pink lips, long wavy blond hair, porcelain skin, and bright blue eyes. The exact reason as to why she would want to hang with those losers confuses me.

I was surprised when she told me off in front of everyone. It will only be a matter of time Lily I will have you. All of them cave eventually you'll be no different.

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