Chapter 8

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Harry's Point of View

I asked Lily out a month ago, she said yes to my surprise, and things have been going well ever since. Lately I've been getting to know more about her. Like the way she writes poems, so full of detail that you would think that you were in them. What I like the most so far is how she dances when she cooks. She moves so gracefully as though the ground was a cloud, and she the angel who walks upon them.

Her laugh is like flower petals, soft, sweet, full of colour. The way she blushes when I kiss her cheek or hold her hand. Her favorite colour is green, the color of life, she said. My favorite colour used to be orange but it's turned to blue. Her eyes are like the sea after a storm. But when she smiles its almost as though the sun shines on the waters surface and they turn to a teal colour.

I love the crinkles by her eyes when she smiles not to mention her dimples. "Harry" she says walking into my room. "Yeah?" I ask her and she sits down on my legs. "Your sister is the best" she says smiling. "No she's annoying" I pout and she jokingly smacks my arm. They just went out for a bit to Starbucks to hang out. "You're lucky you actually have a family family" she says.

I frown confused by her statement. "What do you mean?" I ask her. She sighs "my parents never wanted to have children. I was an accident and I was always sent to some daycare because they didn't want me around. I was a burden that they didn't want. They just tend to always forget that I'm there. The only time they pay attention to me is when we're in public. No matter what I do it's never enough for them. They want some perfect daughter but that girl isn't me" she says sadly.

"Hey there" I whisper giving her a hug not sure what to say. "I just wish that they cared about me" she tells me. "I'm sure they love you" I tell her and she lets out a laugh. "What's so funny?" I ask her confused. "I've never heard them once say that they love me not even that they like me." I hug her closer and kiss her forehead and she snuggles closer me. "I'm sorry" I tell her.

I don't like hearing her say such a depressing thing. "That's why I like hanging out here. Your parents treat me like I'm one of their own. Gemma treats me like I'm the sister she never had. It's like I've stepped foot in a foreign country. One that feels more like home than the other" she says. I lean down and kiss her tenderly on the lips. She smiles slightly returning the kiss before she rests her forehead against mine. I pout at her and she chuckles before kissing me again.

This time though the kiss is not as gentle. I pull her closer to me as I play with her hair. "Harry Lily foods ready!" Mum yells. We burst out laughing. "Every time" she says between giggles. "Come on before she comes in here" I tell her and she nods her head standing up. I grab ahold of her small hand and we make our way to the kitchen. "Awe" Gemma coos at us when she sees me holding Lily's hand.

"Shut up" I tell her rolling my eyes. "Come on Harold it's cute" she tells me as though it is the most obvious thing. Lily smiles and we sit side by side at the table. "Here you go" Mum says handing Lily and I a plate. "Thanks Mum" "thank you Anne" Lily says politely. "No problem" she says going to make herself and Gemma a plate. "So how's school?" Mum asks Lily once she's seated.

"Pretty well other than the fact testing is coming up soon" she tells her. "I feel your pain" Gemma says scrunching up her nose at the mention of tests. "I'm sure you will do fine" Mum says encouragingly. "So how about you Harry?" Mum asks me. "Same" I tell her and she chuckles. "What?" I ask her arching a brow in confusion. "Where's the complaining?" she asks me and I just shrug.

"Lily you work miracles" Gemma tells her smiling. "Am I really that bad?" I ask them. "Yes" Mum and Gemma say simultaneously. Lily laughs and gives me a questioning look. I huff "enough talking about me" I tell them which only makes them laugh more. I put a hand to my face sighing. Lily pats my leg under the table and I look at her. "It's okay Harry it's their job to embarrass you" she tells me.

"See that's why I like you" Gemma tells her. After we finish eating and putting our dishes away Lily and I return to my room. "See what I mean?" Lily asks me and I nod my head. I sit down on my bed and Lily lays down with her head on my lap. "Want to watch a film?" she asks me "sure" I tell her. She gets up and rummages through the stack of DVDs. "Here we go" she says and puts a disc into the player.

I lie down on my side and pat the spot in front of me. She smiles and we curl up together as I turn on the telly and press play. I place my hand on her side and massage the spot. She sighs contentedly and I kiss the place behind her ear. "Harry" she says "what?" I ask her feigning innocence. She laughs and turns so that she's facing me. She arches her eyebrows a smirk on her lips.

I smile at her, kiss her on the check, then on her lips. "So much for watching a film" she mumbles against my lips. I chuckle and tangle my fingers in her hair as she wraps her arms around my neck. I run my tongue across her bottom lip asking for entrance. She parts her lips and I languidly roll my tongue with hers. We pull back for air and she plays with the fingers on my right hand.

I love it when she does this. She gets a little crease on her brow in concentration. She traces the lines on my palm with her index finger. I look at her face seeing the slight blush on her checks and the small smile on her lips. I move my hand, she pouts, and I smile stilling my hand. She returns to tracing my hand and I close my eyes. It tickles a tad but I think it's cute. I feel her place a small kiss to the top of my hand.

I open my eyes and she smiles at me. I kiss her on the nose and she laughs. She lays her head down on my shoulder and kisses my neck. She gently nips the spot and I move so that she's on top of me. I wrap an arm around her waist and a hand in her hair. We kiss each other tenderly on the lips. She sucks on my bottom lip and I pull her closer. I smile and bite her bottom lip and run my tongue across the small sting.

I leave a trail of kisses from her lips to her neck. I find that special spot and suck on it. She squeaks quietly and I can't help but to laugh. She pulls back and jokingly smacks my chest. "You're mean" I say crossing my arms. "No you are mister" she tells me mimicking me. "Didn't you call me sweet yesterday?" I ask her and she sticks out her tongue at me. "Aren't you cute" I tease and she laughs lightly but returns to being 'mad' at me.

"You laughed" I sing and she rolls her eyes at me. "You are insufferable" she groans and I smile. "Thank you my good dear" I say tipping an imaginary hat.

Lily's Point of View

I give Harry a kiss before I exit his car. "See you tomorrow!" he calls after me "okay!" I holler back. Once inside I run up to my room and plop down on my bed. If anyone told me two months ago I would be dating Harry Styles I would of told them they were crazy. It's still hard to believe to be honest. My friends, even Josh, have accepted him into our little group.

When Harry asked me out I was stunned literally left speechless. It was adorable he was so nervous. He didn't look me in the eyes he just stared at his feet as if they were the most fascinating thing. He looked shocked at first when I said yes. Then the biggest smile broke across his face, dimples and all. He's not like the person I first perceived him to be. He's smart, funny, sweet, and so unique.

His family is very kind to me and accept me for who I am. They're like the polar opposite of mine. I don't think that I've ever been this happy in my life. My phone goes off and I check it.

Goodnight Lily I'll pick u up 2morrow :)-- Harry.

I smile and type a reply.

Ok c u 2morrow :)-- Lily.

I plug my phone into the charger and fall asleep.
I'm so sorry about the late update. I do not know when I'll be able to update again. I've been going through some stuff and please do not be made at me.

This is a filler chapter because it gives some insight into Lily's life. Sorry if you don't like the chapter. I promise the next chapter will be better.

Please vote/comment it would really help me out right now.

207 reads thank you so much it means a lot that you have put up with me.

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