5. USJ

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attempted rape

*Your POV*

I was excited for today, we were going to USJ, I had heard from some of the older kids that it was really cool. I was sitting next to Todoroki, I had convinced him to let me sit by the window since he was just going to sleep.

When we arrived Aizawa explained all the rules but then the villains showed up, thoughts started running through my head 'what if they give me away, what if my friends don't like me anymore' I was drawn out by falling through one of Kurogiri's portals.

The next thing I know I'm in cold water, I kicked my way to the surface seeing Tsu on the boat I called out her name. After catching her attention she pulled me onto the boat.

*Time skip because they got off the boat same way as the show*

We were watching Aizawa get beat up by the Nomu, I wanted to run over and tell Shigaraki to stop. Suddenly he was in front of us about to grab Tsu's face, I could see Midoriya about to punch him.

I jumped in between all of them causing Shigaraki to grab my arm, he looked shocked at my actions I'm not entirely sure why though, they are my friends. The Nomu picked me up ready to throw me, Shigaraki simply waved him off me.

"Not this one" everyone around looked at me in suprise, the Nomu simply put me down. Shigaraki then snaked an arm around my waist  and pulled me close to him, "ehh?!?!"I looked at him. "(Y-Y/N)?" Midoriya looked almost as shocked as I did.

"Kurogiri, lets go!" he shouted as a blush slowly crept on my face. "play along, your getting kidnapped" he whispered in my ear. Midoriya, however, was not having it, "let him go!" he was running dead on at the league.

Shigaraki raised his hand going to desintagrate him, "No!" they both stopped and looked at me. "Midoriya I'll be fine, and you-"I pointed at Shigaraki, "-leave my friends alone!" he looked a little shocked at my outburst.

I just looked at him making sure no one could see my face and gave a knowing wink. "Now lets go. Dabi! Toga!" we walked through the portal with Dabi and Toga close behind. Dabi had steam coming from his ears, he was literally smoking.

"Um...you got a little...something" I stated trying not to laugh, completly forgetting that Shigaraki still had his arm around my waist. "I'm going to the roof!" he grumbled back in response. "DON'T SEND UP AN SOS!"

he flipped me off while he walked towards the stairs, 'BITCH!' "Toga, 61!"

*Handsy's POV*

(Y/N) pushed me off slightly, right before Toga tossed a dagger his direction. He grabbed then chucked it at Dabi cutting through the sleeve and a little skin on his shoulder. "I never miss!" he said with hatred in his eyes

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!" "do you want one through your skull?!" Dabi walked away knowing he wasn't kidding. "bitch..." he mumbled under his breath. 'cute...WAIT WHAT?!?!? NO HE WAS GOING TO BE A HERO BEFORE WE FOUND HIM!...But it wasn't by choice...'

I was too lost in thought to realise I was staring right at him, "-nd man, you ok? you're staring and it's kinda starting to get creepy" " huh? oh sorry..."

*Your POV*

sorry? he hasn't said sorry to me once in the entire time I've been here. I put my hand to his forehead, "what are you doing?" he looked up at me from the barstool he was sitting on.

"checking your tempeture" "why?" "becuase you've have never said sorry, the entire time I've been here, to anyone!" Toga was trying to stifle a laugh, while Kurogiri raised an eyebrow. "What?" I whined at him, removing my hand from Shiggy's head. "nothing"

"Hey Kurogiri~" "yes (Y/N)" "why are you always cleaning the same glass?" I asked leaning on the counter "I'm not" "what do you mean you are always cleaning that glass!" Shigaraki got up and left for his room. "actually it's multiple of one cup"

"huh, why do you have multiple of one cup?" "it's shigaraki's favorite, and in case something happens there are back-ups" "jeez Kurogiri, you're such a mom! But anyways I'm gonna head in for the night"


The hallway for referrence (art not mine)

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The hallway for referrence (art not mine)

I walked to my door, I heard someone come out of the bathroom, but I ignored it. Suddenly someone flipped me around and pinned me to the wall "HE-!" I was cut off by lips smashing themselves on mine.

I could see it was Dabi but I had no idea what caused this, sure he would constantly flirt with me, but this was out of character, even for him. "HMGF!" "sh~ calm down, wouldn't want anyone hearing you now would you~?"

He started rubbing his knee between my legs, I could feel my legs shaking and I was crying, but I wouldn't give in. I quickly knee'd him in groin.

Slightly smut over

I ran for the only person I could think of, I ran across and started knocking rapidly on Shigaraki's door. "What?!?!" He yelled when he finally opened it, but when he saw me crying he looked around and saw Dabi on the ground in pain.

He put two and two together, as I hugged him looking for any form of sympathy. "Toga!" he yelled for her trying not to scare me any more than I already was, she came skipping down the hall a few seconds later

"Yeah Shigg-! OMG, guys what happened!" she started but then saw me crying and Dabi on the floor. "Take him to the chair" he said pointing at Dabi, "ok...? But what did he do?" "we'll talk about it in the morning..." he said wrapping his arms around me.

She nodded slowly and started dragging him down the stairs, after she was gone he tried to pry me off of him to look at me but I held on. "will you walk?" I shook my head, "if you don't walk I'll have to carry you" without much hesitation I jumped up and kaola hugged him.

"wow ok, really didn't expect you to go with that" he said after he had his arms supporting me. He walked to my room and sat down on my bed with me in his lap. "Are you feeling any better?" I nod still having my face buried in his chest.

"Thank you~" I say burying the top of my head in the crook of his neck "What for?" "For everything!" I looked at him now realizing the position we're in, I quickly jumped off his lap blushing a bright shade of red.

"Sorry..." I mumbled, "it's fine I cant imagine how you were were feeling..." I looked at his face I saw a light pink tint on his cheeks. "If you ever need someone to talk to, my door is always open...well literally because you can just pick the lock." "Thanks"

I'm so sorry Dabi, he is my favorite villain but to me seems like the most Likely to do something like this, please don't hate me

Word Count: 1217

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