2. The league

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*your POV*

I hear muffeld talking around me, I try to move my hand to rub the back of my head but realise it's tied down. This made me kick into high gear, my eyes shot open to look at my hand. I can see that I'm in a chair with straps at my wrists and ankles.

"Oh, your awake" I instantly look to see where the vioce was coming from, but couldn't due to the light above me. "Who are you? What do you want?" I yell, knowing they probably wouldn't answer. "We are the league." I could hear another voice say, I could tell this one was female and just wanted to get this over with.

"now we will ask a series of questions, if you tell the truth your death might be quick, if you lie it will be long and painful" Shigaraki said stepping closer to me. I couldn't tell if he was serious because he had that hand on his face, but for my safety I had to assume he was.

"ok..." "good, now where is All Might" he more so stated than asked. "Wait! What? How am I supposed to know?!?!" I yelled at him, thinking I might have misheard him "Where is All Might!" He asked through gritted teeth

"I don't know!" I screamed back, fighting at the bonds holding me in place. He sighed "fine, Toga!" The person belonging to the original voice bounded forward.

"Now I'm a lot nicer than Shiggy, so I'll ask you once, where is All Might!"The person I now identified as Himiko Toga snapped. "I already told you I don't know!" I snapped back.

She obviously did not take this well as she sliced my arm with a knife she was hiding behind her back. "I just love watching the blood run" she cooed while I stared at her. "Your methods aren't going to work!" I snapped shocking Toga.

She just looked behind her at Shigaraki, he simply nodded towards a wall, which I assumed had the door along it as everyone left. He walked towards me, squatted, and forced me to look at him. "I'll make this easier on everyone, join us and be an insider at ua or die."

"Fine, I never wanted to be a hero anyways..." I mumbled the last thinking he didn't hear me. "Good, someone will be here soon to put a chip in you, can't have you telling anyone about this."he said as he walked out the door

*Time skip*

I'm currently at ua in training, but all I can think about is that they put a chip in the back of my neck so it's sore. My biggest worry is that my hero costume show the cut on my arm.

*Your hero costume, you can colours or something like that if you want*

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*Your hero costume, you can colours or something like that if you want*

"Hey (Y/N)!" I heard Uraraka call my name as I was walking over. "OMG, what happened to your arm?!?!" I heard Midoriya freaking out. "Oh, I just bumped into someone on my way home yesterday and they used their quirk, nothing serious though!" I quickly responded since I had my story planned.

"You should be much more careful (Y/N) something serious could happen to you if you're not!" Iida said doing his weird robot-like hand motions. "Calm down Iida I'm fine" I reassured him. "Just be careful next time, I heard the villains kidnapped someone last night"

"Do they know who it was?" I heard Todoroki pipe-in before I tuned them out, the guy really doesn't talk much.

*Time skip back to base*

I was sitting at the bar with Dabi next to me who was trying to flirt with me. "I can't believe it failed!" I heard Shigaraki ranting as he came through the door.
"Well I for one thought it was a good plan Shiggy!" Toga was trying to reassure him and trying to keep him from disintegrating everything in the bar.

"I told you not to call me that!" He snapped. "What Shiggy? I for one think it's cute!" I piped-in just trying to make him mad. He did not like it at all, "why you litt-!" He started before the one I know as Kurogiri teleported him to what I assumed was his room. "Jeez! Who pissed in his beer!" I stated making most of them laugh

Word count: 735

Shigaraki x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now