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It was after school, Yangyang was going to the convenience store. He was just dressed in grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

He was buying some instant ramen cuz that's the only thing he can afford at the moment since he's broke.

After he stepped out of the store with a bag in his hand a person shoved past him to get in. He turned back with an offended look on his face.

"Ah I'm so sorry." One of the people said. Yes, there were two. One was significantly taller than the other. The shorter one was looking somewhere else with his hood up and a mask.

"I-It's okay.." Wow Yangyang why the fuck did you stutter. Uh maybe cuz the person in front of you is fucking ethereal.

"Seonghwa let's go." The shorter one said pulling the guys shirt. "Hold on Dejun, I think something's wrong with this guy."

The shorter guys voice sounded awfully familiar. But he couldn't put his finger on who/why it was.

That's when he noticed 'Seonghwa's' hand waving in front of his face. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he chuckled awkwardly.

"I-Im okay don't worry!" He stuttered out before speed walking away. Why do I know that voice?

Then he recalled that the familiar voice guy's name was 'Dejun' and he knew no one by that name.

So he just shrugged off his suspicions and just continued walking back home.


hey jun do you know xiaojun?

injun 🌼
i think so

injun 🌼
he's that short kid with the thicc eyebrows right?

yeh him

injun 🌼
i don't really 'know him' know him but i've heard a lot of shit about him

me too

do you think they're true?

injun 🌼
who knows
go to sleep we have school tmr

okay fine D:

injun 🌼
Read 2:23 AM

Yangyang turned off his phone to go to sleep.


The next day he didn't see Xiaojun in class. He was confused. Wait what if he's out murdering someone right now- Nahhh Yangyang stop being stupid.

"Yangyang!" Someone next to him whisper yelled. He turned around, noticing it was Donghyuck, and gave him a confused gaze.

"I saw Xiaojun on my way to school! He was wearing all black and a mask he's got to be part of the fucking mafia!"

Yangyang couldn't help but laugh at the others stupidity. "Dude. A lot of people wear masks and black clothes-"

"Nooo! He was acting sneaky when he was going inside a house! I thought it was his house but who checks if there's anyone inside and climbs a tree to get in through the window!"

"Yangyang I just witnessed a crime scene!" Donghyuck said dramatically.

Yangyang sweated nervously as he tried to calm the other boy down. "M-Maybe it was actually his house?" Yangyang said, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than Donghyuck.

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