It takes two

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I had been able to not think of and avoid Wyatt for weeks and the girls had seemed to have forgotten about him, which was just fine with me.

Everything was going great, until Matt, my boyfriend at the time, decided to break up with me.

He called me because he couldn't come talk to me face to face. He was in varsity, so he stayed on campus.

At least he had the decency to call and not text, otherwise I would've gotten even more pissed off.

Incoming call:

I answered the call unsuspecting.

"Hey." I said with a smile while laying on the couch. The other line was quiet for a rather long time, making me think that there was no one on the phone.

"Babe?" I asked, turning to lay on my stomach. When I got settled, I heard a deep and exhausted sigh from his side.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"I... I think we should break up." He said in a low, carefull voice.

I blinked rapidly, trying to comprehend what he had just said. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I think we should break up." He repeated with more confidence that had me jumping to a sitting position.

I sat on my knees as I processed things.

"Why? You got someone else to keep you company over there? You don't need me anymore?" I asked, my vision becoming blurry with tears.

He kept quiet and that just pissed me off, making me jump to my feet as I yelled into the phone, "Well?!?! Answer me, you asshole!!!"

"I... It's not that." He said softly.


"Then what is it." I lowered my voice as I fell back on the couch and lowered my head into my hands.

He was breaking me apart and I wasn't even 'in love' with him, but it still hurt, somehow.

Why am I such a girl?!?!

"It's nothing personal, I promise. It's just that, I'm a guy... I got needs, and..." He stopped talking and he sighed. I pictured him running a hand through his hair.

Of course it's about the fucking sex!

"Fuck you, Matthew." I spat lowly, then cut the call.

Till this day, I still don't know what had gotten over me. Why I had done what I did after.

I guess I just needed to talk to someone who wouldn't judge me.

I took the envelope Wyatt gave me from my book. I don't know why I hadnt thrown it away.

I looked over the small paper, reading it for what seemed like the millionth time. When I saw his number at the bottom of the paper, my hands moved at their own accord.

I grabbed my phone and dialled his number.

"Hello?" His voice came from the other side, just as I remembered it from the first time.

"Um, hi. Is-is this Wyatt?" I asked with a sniffle, even though I already knew who it was.

"Yeah. Who's this?"

"It's, um... It's Lesley."


After calling him and telling him that I just needed a shoulder to cry on, I somehow found myself in his house...

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