He took a step back and she opened her eyes touching the divot under her eye, completely forgetting all about it until he said something. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and her mind was full of all the words from the letters, so she tried to get to safer territory. "So, where're you staying?" She asked, thinking he probably had some hooker, or groupie, already stashed at a hotel stripped naked waiting for him.

"I'm not sure. Nickels came over to my place and asked if I wanted to come and see you. When I said yes, we just hopped on the jet, and here I am."

"He didn't even bother to get you a room or anything?" She asked, liking that there didn't seem to have any groupies in his future... or so she hoped.

"No, and I really didn't even think about it. Honestly, I was thinking right when you saw me, you'd throw my ass out and I'd be back on a plane within five minutes after I got here." He chuckled.

He didn't have a place to stay... "Well I don't have much, but you're more than welcome to the sofa." She offered, and then stopped.

Her eyes went wide, as well as his at the offer. Should she take back the invitation? Did she even want to? Her eyes dropped as she mentally berated herself on what an idiot she was, when Jimmy's shocked expression turned into a very sexy grin. "Sure Addie, I would love to take the sofa. That's not a problem with me baby girl." He told her quietly.

She didn't move, or even answer, still in shock with what the hell she just offered, when his arm went around her waist, and started to guide her back down the hall by the small of her back. "I remember that look all too well, and you can kick yourself for your kindness when I'm asleep tonight, okay?" He chuckled... and that was precisely what she was going to do!

There were whispers coming from the kitchen when Howie glanced up and then cleared his throat. "So, everything okay?" He asked.

"Fine." She answered.

Jones had a big grin on his face looking at Jimmy who still had his hand to her back, and then back at her. "So, Addie, you were back there for quite a while." He winked with a chuckle, but made Lynn and Margie both groan.

"Shut the hell up Jones." Lynn sighed.

She stepped away from Jimmy's touch and shook her head. "Shut up Jones, or I'm giving your sandwich to the dog." She offered and then looked over at Tia, who seemed a little unsure of what to think of Jimmy there. She figured it was because Tia didn't know how she was going to take it. "Let's hurry up and eat. I've got twenty bucks that says I beat Lynn in Guitar hero." She smiled.

Lynn got a sly grin on her face as she went to go make herself a sandwich. "You might be a natural on the guitar Ad... but I will kick your ass all night long with that game, and we both know it." She chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll see about that." She sighed and then glanced over at Jimmy. "Have you eaten?"

"Only a power bar on the plane." He admitted.

"Yeah because Jim can't feed himself." Jones snickered making Howie chuckle.

"That's it!" She snapped going to the coleslaw. She picked up the bowl and held it over the sink... she had enough shit to deal with let alone their teasing.

Howie, Jones, Nickels, and Dax, all shouted "No!"

"Then shut up and just eat... you damn delinquents." She grinned putting the bowl back down making the girls all laugh before the started to dig in.

When night came, Lynn had kicked her but in guitar hero, just as predicted, and she was now twenty dollars poorer than she was that afternoon. It was soon after that, that Howie took out the old Wii and next up for the night's entertainment was boys vs. the girls in bowling... and then the competition began, because anyone who knew Lynn at all, knew those were fighting words!

The Rockstar Second Chance Vol. 5 Rocker Girl SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now