22: The Case Of The Yellow Boots

Start from the beginning

"I am sorry about the loss of your friend Y/N, but I was thinking you might like to join me for a walk?" She asked. Aragorn sighed and looked down, he did not know how to tell her he could not love her as she wanted him to. He had to change the subject before he got himself roped into an unnecessary hindrance.

"I would like to my Lady, but I must find Legolas, he has been hit very hard by the passing of Y/N. Have you seen him?" Eowyns face fell slightly, but she pressed on.

"I have not seen him. Maybe I could help you find him?" She asked to Aragorns dismay as he started backing away. He needed to find a way to get out of this offer.

"I will find him myself thank you, he does not like woman...anymore." That did not come out as he wanted it to. An awkward silence fell upon them. Eowyn stared at him in confusion before taking her leave.

"I will see you soon then Lord Aragorn. And I hope Legolas is happy with his...new found path."

It took Aragorn almost an hour before he found his elf friend. Legolas was standing in the tallest watch tower by himself, watching clouds roll over the stars, squashing out their light.

"I have finally found you, mellon nin." Legolas turned around and looked at Aragorn with empty eyes, but he said and did nothing except slouch back down on the window of the tower. Aragorn walked closer, placing a hand on his friends shoulder.

"I do not know what to do." Legolas said after a while and faced Aragorn. "Elves only love one person in their immortal lives, and I loved...And now she is gone." Legolas stuttered, he couldn't bring himself to say your name. He always made sure to keep his emotions in check, and never show his weak side but he could not help it. The one person he loved was dead.

"My friend, do not weep, for Y/N is in a better place now. A place where no one can hurt her, protected by the Vala. She will be laying on the silver shores, watching the sunset on green lands." Aragorn finished as Legolas begun to tear up.

"I hope she is happy."

"She was in life, and she will be even more so in death. Now come friend, you must eat. Come to the hall and get some food before Gimli drains the ale stores."

A few hours had passed in the hall, the three companions had finished feasting on the left over pork scraps. Legolas had only nibbled a small amount of bread before he took his first sip of ale that night, letting the bitter taste wash down any sadness he had left. On the other side of the table Gimli was on his ninth pint of ale and his second pint of mead. The liquid poured down his ginger beard as he slammed the cup down and let out a loud belch.

"More ale!" He shouted above the bustling noise of the hall. Aragorn sat by the open fire, placing new logs on every now and again. The men seemed to be drinking as much as they could, trying to forget about what was to come the next night. Many would not survive it. Theoden sat at the head of a great table, his hand gripping a mug of ale as the other hand tapped on the table in front of him. He had things other than war on his mind. He had you in his thoughts. He did not like your disappearance, not one bit. In fact he entirely believed you had betrayed them, because how could you know they were about to be attacked by an Orc pack before it even happened? And then to 'fall off a cliff' in the midst of a battle? And Wormtounge could not have just escaped right? No, he would not have it.

"I think she betrayed us." Theoden said at last, causing Eowyn and the other guards around him to give him a confused look.

"Who?" One gaurd asked after chugging a pint of mead.

"Y/N, the girl Gandalf and the others brought. I believe she let Wormtounge out, and that she had planned the attack on the road here, and then bolted before I could punish her." Theoden said, becoming more and more agitated by the second.

"Uncle I do not think that Y/-" Theoden stopped Eowyn.

"Hush woman, what would you know of it?" The king snapped before peering around the other men sat with him.

"I asked her before we left Rohan." One gaurd started. "I asked her if she let Wormtounge out, she said she did not but I satisfied myself that she was lying. Before I could ask anymore that blond woodland sprite," He stuck his thumb over to where Legolas was sitting. "Stopped me and said that she was telling the truth. If I am honest Sire, I would not trust him either." Theoden watched the man, listening intently. The king stared at the elf on the other side of the room for a moment, misjudging the elf's grief for guilt.

"Keep an eye on him. If he does anything abnormal, report to me." Theoden took one last swig of his drink before standing up. "I will deal with him in the morning."

The singing continued as you hid behind the tree. Your eyes were trained on the figure of a man who seemed to be inspecting the area you woke up in. The man picked up the bowl of water, and poured it's contents out. He poured more water into the bowl from the bucket he had clutched in his hand, and in the other he held a closed wood woven basket which he laid on the grass.

"Down sinks the sun! Soon you will be groping, when the night shadows fall, the door will be open! Out of the windows panes light will twinkle yellow! Fear no alder black, heed no hoary willow!" The man continued to sing and dance around as he opened the basket taking out four small plates. He was now directly below the tree you were hiding behind now. What is happening? And why the hell is he singing? You thought as you crouched down to try and get a better view. As you leaned forward, your hand slipped and you went tumbling down the small slope, banging your head in the process. Oh shit. You had landed right at the mans feet, cursing your luck, you spat out the grass in your mouth and opened your eyes. The first thing you saw was the old mans bright yellow boots.

--Thanks for reading! Sorry for the short chapter! Who do you think this old man is? Why was he setting out four plates? I will give you a clue to who it is: The ring has no hold over him!

𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ~ {𝐋.𝐆}Where stories live. Discover now