It's their first night in their new dorm room. Their first night of absolute freedom. No parents, no assignments, no curfew, it's even Saturday night; and Liam's still refusing to go out with him.

"Please?" Niall tries, once more begging his best mate to go to the party with him.

After they had eaten, they propped the door open wide to try and meet some new floor mates as they finished unpacking their things and then started an intense game of Fifa. A group of guys had walked past, glancing in the room at the two boys. Niall had jumped from his seat, pushing the buttons with such a force that he was surprised that it didn't bust the controller. Even though his wrist was injured, the slight pain he had been feeling had gone completely ignored when the game went into overtime. Liam calmly sat on the couch, cursing under his breath once in a while and biting the inside of his cheek harshly.

The pair were so concentrated on beating one another that any of the boys watching could have easily taken something without them noticing.

Instead, the boys, intrigued by the boys whom they shared the floor with, were also entranced by the game, unconsciously stepping further into the room right up behind the couch to get a better view.

"Son of a bitch," Niall cursed under his breath as Liam scored right before time was up. The bulkier of the two cheered and sprung from his seat, flipping Niall off in the process.

"If it weren't for my damn wrist I would've beat you," Niall huffed, glaring at his friend. Liam continued to gloat and raised his middle finger in response. Niall batted it away with his wrapped wrist, the hard cast making Liam clutch his finger to his chest in pain.


Niall opened his mouth to throw an insult right back at his friend when he noticed movement in the corner of his eye. There were three guys, one leaning over the back of the couch to grab Niall's abandoned remote.

"Can we join?" he asked, waving the remote for emphasis, "Great set up you got."

Liam and Niall shared a glance, thinking that the way they had situated things wasn't in any way amazing, just a large TV propped up on an entertainment stand that was way too small for it and an old, uncomfortable futon across from it, in the center of the room.

"Yeah, of course you lads can join," Liam said with a smile. After all of the boys had introduced themselves to one another, they settled on teams. Liam pulled out the extra two controllers they had for the console and Niall opted to sit out due to his wrist bothering him, to which he heard Liam whisper to one of the guys, "He just doesn't want to lose again. He's a bit of a sore loser."

Niall rolled his eyes, walking to his closet to pull out the container filled with his toiletries. He popped some pain medication and hopped up on his bed to cheer on the new boys who didn't have Liam on their team. Traitor.

They had played a few rounds, getting so rowdy that the Resident Assistant had to come and see what was going on. He gave them all a knowing look after having introduced himself and told them to keep it down or shut the door, and that silent hours started in half an hour at ten.

"You guys should totally come to this party with us," Josh, one of their new friends said as he pulled out and checked his phone, "It's going to be killer."

"That'd be sick," Niall commented, grinning at the boy. Liam gave him a disapproving look and rolled his eyes at Niall's eagerness to party.

"Here," he handed his phone over to Niall, "You both add your number and I'll make a group chat with all of us in it. I'll let you know the address and when we're heading over."

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