Admitted Lies

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They sat in front of each other. Some looked angry, others satisfied. At the end they all got there in time.
- It's no one's fault. - the White haired man said. - And the Mandalium if fine.
They stayed quiet. They still could feel a tension, but that was just because of the awkward situation.
- I still think that we should leave the childish life of their's. - the woman in the gold dress said. - It would be better that way. - she stayed calm.
- Maybe. - the blond haired woman replied. - But for now we will stay like this. End of conversation.
She stood up.
- You can leave the Nastelram like that! - the gold dressed woman reminded her.
- There is no rule. - with that said she left the room.


The next few days were annoying for both Lian and us. We were arround her asking her weard questions and watching every step of her. After a few days going on like this Lian started to have a different routine which we didn't know about so she could get away from us.
But still, after her new routine started we tried to find her until we actually did. We could see that she was annoyed and we were really tired from always keeping secrets and spying. So after a while we got worse and worse until it was clearly visible what we were doing.
By this time we almost treated Lian as a witch - for no reason by the way - and ourselves as professional spies.
One day Lian came to us herself.
- Guys, I don't know what happened that you decided to come after me pretending to be hidden and annoying the hell out of me, but it's gotta stop. - she said. - You look like maniacs. It does not do any good to either you or me. Please leave me alone! - and than she left.
Just than, was when we realised how weard we actually were. And how tired. So we decided to listen to Lian, and stop spying.
Things were not going all right at home either. Maybe that's the real reason why I wanted to find something bad in Lian too.
Rachel got in worse conditions about the Raph thing. She always shouted that she didn't need him and that she liked to be single, that she liked to go out we whoever she wanted to. She brought home 5 boys to introduce to us in 3 weeks and all the time she said that she felt like that boy would be her future husband. The boy were happy of course but they all were dumb and weard.
Mom and Dad even talked to Rachel once about this. They said that Rachel should stay home gor a few days, get away from Raph for a little bit, but she didn't listen to them. Because of this Mom and Dad told her that she was not allowed to date or bring any boys home for the next moth if she doesn't settle down for a few days.
I actually could understand their point but I also could Rachel's. She probably didn't want to seem like she was running or hiding from her ex and also she wanted to make him jealous. But Mom and Dad didn't understand Rachel and Rachel didn't understand Mom and Dad.
Since this was repeatedly causing arguments I decided to talk to Rachel myself.
I knocked on her room's door.
- Who's there? - she asked annoyed.
- It's me, Lora! - I told her. I few moments later she opened the dorr in fton of me.
- What do you want? - she asked standing in the doorway not letting me in before I told her why I was there.
- You know you don't seem like you are okay. I think a sister should always be there for her sister. - I said. She opened the door wider and let me in. After I got in she closed it immediately and even locked it up.
- You are right! I don't feel good. But I just can't go talk to our parents. They wouldn't listen to me! Please tell them that it is good for me to date guys! - she asked hysterically.
- I'm not here to tell them what you think, or tell you what they think. Actually we could just talk about anything. It doesn't have to be about Ralph. - I answered.
She sight and than agreed. We were talking for hours and hours on. We were talking about Raph and things totally not related to this situation.
After our conversation with Rachel, she went to talk to Mom and Dad. I didn't hear what they were talking about which is a good sign since it means they were not shouting. Rachel later told me that she agreed to stay home for the rest of the week and she also promised that she would try and not date anyone for a month. She said it was an easier decision than she taught it would be, since she just decided to go back to her life before Raph.
After Rachel got better I got better too. While there was shouting waiting for me at home I was not so excited to go home after school. I liked to stay spying or go over to someone. I also got angry faster which didn't lead to anything good and I didn't like to go to school with Rachel. But after she solved her problem with Mom and Dad everything got better genuinely.
Still, I was ashamed to go to school, because after Lian came to us telling us to stop annoying her I felt how bad the things we did were. I hated to admit it but I felt I could not look into the eyes of Lian. She got back to her old routine after we stopped spying by the way. She once came to us to tel us that she was happy that we stopped this mess and that she was not mad at us so we didn't have to act so weard arround her. We all said thanks and okay but I personally didn't feel like that made any difference.
So I decided to make it up for Lian. No matter how bad I felt arround her I went to her and started talking to her.
- Hi Lian! I know you said that you are not mad at us but I just wanted to make it sure. May I carry your books? - I asked after I realised that she had stuff in her hand. I held out my armes so she could hand me her stuff but she pushed my hands away.
- You don't need to do that! We are not enemies or anything. And also you don't need to make up for anything. Everyone makes mistakes and sometimes everyone has weard theories or suspicions. Don't worry I do not feel bad about it all. - she said and left.
I felt bad about starting it all again, but whan she said made me suspicious. We never told her that we think stuff about her or that we have suspicions and theories. Of course there was the chance that she just guessed it all but still... I felt that this time I was right and I wasn't just following some weard thoughts that I wanted to be more that what they actually were.
I ran after Lian.
- Wait, wait! Lian! Huhh, Huhh! - I said when I finally got beside her. - I want to ask something...
- Ohh, go on! - she said but she was keep walking. I walked by her side.
- You know how we were following you and how you are not mad but you want it to stop? Yes? Okay. So you just saw us being arround you all the time right? - I asked.
- Yes. What else would I see? I didn't hear you talking since you were too far for that. Why? - she answered.
- It doesn't matter. - I said and than continued. - And than we later didn't talk to you about it until today. I mean did Marie or Lucy tell you why we were doing it or what we were talking about for those days?
- No, they were not talking to me about that period... Well actually about nothing. But why are you asking all of these? I don't understand... - she said confused.
- Ohh, don't worry its nothing important. And did you think stuff about what we were doing? Like did you think we wanted to get to know you to than go and kidnapp you or anything weard like this? - I asked again. It really was like when we were asking her other weard questions at another topic. And they were actually for the same reason.
- No, actually not. It might be smarter to think these though. Like if someone is following you don't just be like : Oh god I'm am being followed but I think it's nothing serious. So I might was stupid for not thinking something, but I didn't. - Lian said. With this I got all the information I needed. I didn't want to wait to ask the next question but I felt like I needed to.
- Okay Lian, that's all. I hope I was not bothering you for too long! Also would you like to come over to my house this afternoon? - I asked.
- Ugh... Sure, why not? Well than see you there! Bye! - she left without waiting for me to say bye. I didn't mind though. I hurried to Marie and Lucy to catch them before the next class would start.
- Marie! Lucy! Come here! - I shouted while running at the corridor. They came to me as quick as possible, because they saw that what I wanted couldn't wait.
- What is it? Is there a problem? - they asked together.
- No, not at all. Just you know we were spying on Lian and asking her weard questions and all, huh? So I heard something that broght back all my suspicions and I tought, why not to just ask her about it straight? So could you come over to my house this afternoon? - I asked them as well.
- Look I want to stop all this mess so... - Lucy couldn't finish her sentence because I started talking :
- Just come over okay? - I begged.
- Fine I'll be there. - Lucy said.
- Mee too... - Marie added.
I was happy they all agreed. But now I had to wait hours...

Thankfully the rest of the day went by pretty quickly and we were over to my house quicker than I imagined.
Lucy and Marie were a bit mad that I didn't tell them that Lian was coming too, but Lian was happy that she was not the only guest.
- So did you plan something exciting for today? - Lian asked.
- Ohh well it's not so exciting. - I answered. Marie and Lucy was looking at me half angry half in disbelief.
- Okay Lian I want to ask something. - I told her. She stood up.
- If it is like the questions you asked in the recent past... Well than I don't want you to. - she said confidently.
- No, no, don't worry! It is only one question that you can answer either very short or very long. - I calmed her.
- Fine, okay. Ask me! - she agreed.
- Whoo! Okay so... Are you some kind of immortal queen or goddess or whatever? - I asked it and than remained quiet.
Lian looked at me shocked and than she turned sad.
- Yes. - she said. I tought she would say some more but she didn't.
- Wait, what? You mean we were right? That's insane! It just can't be true! OMG how did you find it out? - Marie looked at me.
- I told you that she said something... - I said. - Won't you say anything else? Or are you just messing with us? If you are please don't tell anyone we tought this about you! - I asked quickly as I realised what she could be doing.
- No. I am not messing. I just feel bad that I ruined everything. - at that moment she suddenly looked very happy. - I can fix it! Okay guys. I am a goddess and I have many other god and goddess colleagues. They all are gods and goddesses of different things. In the recent past we decided to live about the same lifes as humans so that's why I came to your school 2 years ago. Two other goddesses decided to live similar to me in different schools, another decided to be a millionaire, two gods decided to be businessmen and a god and a goddess decided to stay at the Mandalium always. The Mandalium is actually the place I lived at before I came to your world. It is not related with any religions. I just made that up so you think you know it but you don't actually. I'm sorry that I lied. And where did you see that word again? - she asked.
I hesitated to answer but since she told us everything about herself just a second ago, I tought we owed this to her.
- We said that it was in a magasine but actually we just heard your friend saying it. - I answered.
- Oh. The friend who you are talking about is actually a goddess too. But when did you hear us talking? - she said pretty calm.
We than told her that after the girl ran in the classroom dragging the most antisocial girl out of the room, we tought we anted to know why that was, but than we got into some big mess, as spying and being too suspicious.
Liam was looking surprised as if this thing would be soooo weard but I don't think it was difficult or anything like that.
- I don't care about what we did, since I know that, but I'm really curious why you just told us everything while you seemed to be really upset that we found out a little piece of the truth... - Lucy said and she was right. Liam told us everything as "fixing" stuff but I personally didn't understand how it was fixing.
- Okay. So you know how I said we are gods and goddesses of different thing, right? Now, I'm the goddess of faith and destiny, so when I tell my colleagues that someone needed or needs to know something they know I'm right. So now they won't know that it is not how I tell it is. - Lian said with a smile on her face.
- But do they not know that you are lieing? I mean they are still gods and goddesses. They should know that we didn't actually had to know... Right? - I asked.
- No. We really don't know anything about the others' duties so they wouldn't know. - Lian answered. - Oh I could bring you to the Mandalium! Whoo! It would be such big fun. But you can't enter every room... - she became really excited. I stood up.
- It's nice to know the truth, but I'm afraid you need to leave now. It's alredy late in the afternoon so we can talk about it tomorrow. - I said and I really meant it. It was really nice that our thoughts were not weard suspicions anymore but my friends couldn't stay at my house for the whole night...
- Okay ill go, but first... - Lian took a piece of paper. - This is my phone number. I know that just because I'm a goddess we are naturally friends, but still. Nobody else's has my number except of you guys. Bye for today than! - she left my room and than the house.
- Well she is still weard right? - Marie asked laughing. - I mean we tought she was in some weard business, and don't forget that she didn't friend with anyone... - she added.
- No... - I said. - She is not weard anymore. She is a goddess.

I hope you enjoyed this part. I know it was a bit long but at least the girls finally got to know the truth about Lian.
Anyways, from now on the story will get more interesting and (yes) Lian will show the girls the Mandalium.... 😀

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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