Visitors At School

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She hurried to the Nastelran. Since Lilian was not around she could say whatever she liked. Not even the Great Oscral would stop her saying that it was one person's fault.
- We all know the truth! - she said when she got in the room.
- Oh do we? And who is the villain? - the man asked her.
- Lilian of course! It was her idea to leave this place only for two people for most of the time. - the woman said confidently.
- I want to remind you that you chose to stay. - the man said.
- Well... Even better. She wanted to leave the place with nobody here.
She felt great anger. First she was just messing with Lilian, but by now she meant what she said. At the deep core, she wanted Lillian out of their council. She didn't just hate her anymore. She felt something more.
- Oscral, there's no need for that! - she said way calmer than how she could talk a minute ago.
- I'm afraid there is. Unfortunately you can't understand my job. - the man replied.
She wasn't mad anymore. She was calm and felt like she could hold a cloud. Finally she was out of the control of her mate.


In the next few days things started to normalise. Teaching was normal and the new girl came finally too. Since she saw Liam acting like she was new she went talking to her but when she found out that Liam was already the part of the class for 2 years she stopped going after her.
Our form teacher, Mr. Limpson, continued to be the boringest person of the world. He also decided to check on the class every day on the third class. Because of all this we started to call him "Mr. Boring".
One day, though, something unusual happened.
A girl with dark brown hair and about our age, ran into the classroom and dragged Lian out of the room.
I know, I know, spying is a bad thing, but since Lian didn't really have friends, the girls and I decided to go after them. We found them taking in front of the school entrance.
- You need to come back to the Mandalium! Something is going on there. - the dark haired girl said.
- What kind of something? - Lian asked with a scared voice.
- Any time we spend more than 10 minutes in there... we feel a tension, that feels like it wants to pull us all back to the ground. The walls vibrate a way you feel it's going to crush you... - the third girl - whith blond hair - said.
We didn't know what they were talking about. What could the Mandalium be? What tension did they feel. And who are the "they" anyways? How did she mean pull back to the ground? Everyone is on the ground. Even they were standing there right at that moment. But most importantly : what did Lian have to do with all this?
- I can't leave right now! Earliest after school's over. - Lian said.
- Okay, than come after you are done. We will be there already because we go now. Oscral didn't leave the building for the day, even though it is uncomfortable staying there for so long. Please hurry! - the girls with blond and brown hair left. The name they said... Oscral. It was so familiar. But why?
Lian came towards the door so before she could see us we ran back to the classroom.
- Do you guys know what the Mandalium is? - Lucy asked.
- No I don't. - I replied to her.
- Me either. - Marie said.
- Hey guys! Are you talking about Mandaliums? - Lian came into the classroom and apparently she heard what we were talking about.
- Yes! Do you know something about it? - I said right away.
- Well I learned about them. - she answered. She started walking. We followed her.
- Oh could you tell us about... them? - Lucy asked. By this time we were walking outside of the classroom.
- Yeah, I'd love to! - Lian said. It seemed we were going to go arround the school talking. Just like in the movies.
- Than please, go on. - Marie said friendly.
- "Mandalium" is a religious word. It is used in many religions for many reasons. What is the most popular use of this word is to call the Home of gods or God this way. But I'm not sure about this. You know I read it in a book. It was fantasy about a boy borned as the son af a God. I am not even sure if the religions mentioned in that book are real. But that's what they say in it. Where did you hear about that word, anyway? - she asked.
I froze for a second that we couldn't tell her that we were spying on her. But thankfully only I froze so Marie quickly told her something.
- We saw it in a magasine. - she said it with much confidence.
Lian nodded and than left us alone at the corridor. We went back to the classroom and kept talking about how strange it was that Lian never talks to anyone, but when a stranger just comes in and brings her out of the room she is not showing any sign of being shy. We all agreed on one thing : those girls were surely not strangers and nit normal teenagers either.

Lucy and I called our parents so we could go over to Marie's. We wanted to discuss further about what happened that day. Lucy's parents let Lucy and my percents let me go to Marie's there was nothing to stop us from finding out some stuff about Lian and those other girls.
Our first thing to do was to search up the word "Mandalium".
We found nothing about it. No religious meaning, no book that was using it, nothing. The compiter just wanted us to correct it to "mandarin" which it told us was a fruit.
- So do you think Lian lied? - Marie asked.
I tought about it for a second.
- Yes. If she really has something secret going on about this word, or at least with what the word means, than the best way to make people not find out what it really is to tell them a lie what they can belive. She acted like she was helping us but she really didn't. - I said.
- Oh, yeah that would make sense! - Marie called.
We talked about my theory for a while and we agreed that we would have to talk to Lian.
I left at about 5pm so when I got home I had to help Mom with the dishes and then the laying of the table for supper.
- I can't believe Raphael broke up with me! - Rachel said angrily. - I mean why would he!? We had a great relationship and more I or him cheated on the other. Well... at least I hope he didn't cheat on me. - she added.
Rachel's boyfriend broke up with her that day and she couldn't stop talking about it.
- Sweety, that's just how boys are. They brake up with girls and move on to the other. You know I had to brake up with many girls as well, but there were many times they broke up with me. - Dad said.
- Well I am on the girls' side. - Mom decided. - I do know how it feels to be heart broken because of a boy. Of course I broke up with boys as well but that's not my problem how they feel. But I think everyone knows that women are way more romantic, so guys could be gentler if braking up.
- I don't agree on that. - Dad said. - Boys are romantic too. They can and their are as well. Do you know how hard it is to ask a girl out. Everything is our job. We have to ask girls out, ask if they want to marry us or not, we bring flowers and all gifts. That is way harder than saying yes or no!
- Well you don't even know what it feels like to reject a proposal. Saying yes is easy, saying no is not. Girls' job is still harder! - Mom argued. And they went on with this for long. I was just sitting and smiling about it.
Soon I was finished with lunch and so was Rachel so we decided to leave this "argument" on Mom and Dad.
We went up to the second floor.
- OMG I never heard them talking about such thing...! - Rachel laughed.
- Yes. This is not a usual thing to hear here home. - I smiled too.
Rachel came in my room after we both had showers and we stayed up for long talking about how funny Mom and Dad were and about Raphael.
By the time Rachel left my room she wasn't even that sad and angry about all of those kind of things. She said that she would hó in the next day to school and tell Raph how much she wanted to brake up with him already and she suddenly found lots of - real - things she hated in him. So afterall it wasn't even that bad they broke up. Rachel said that Raph's friends were all better looking than he was. Than she left.
I was thinking about how weird this whole day was and than....
- I know! - I shouted.
I finally remembered why that name was so familiar. Lian said "Oscral" on the party when she looked up at the sky smiling.
I needed to call Lucy and Marie. They needed to know that.
- Hello, Lora! What is it so late? - Marie asked sleepy whe she picked the phone up.
- You know the name Lian's weird friend said, Oscral. I told you it was familiar for me. So it was because, when we were fighting with Amanda on Nick's party she looked up at the sky smiling and saying the same name. - I said it really fast.
- Wait, wait, wait! You mean she was talking to the sky? - Marie asked at an excited - and nit sleepy at all - voice.
- Ugh.. Yes? - I answered.
- Oh My God! That just goes with my theory. We need to start a call with all the three if us! - Marie said and than she ended the call.
Soon she called me back but a way three people could talk at the same time.
- Okay so I tought that something not mortal thing was going on with Lian and her friends, but that I was like stop being stupid we are not in a tv show there is nothing like immortal. But now that Lora says that she was talking to the sky.... I mean in books and movies gods and immortal people live in the space or sky right...? I know its stupid but... - she said it so quickly and unsure that I needed to say something.
- Well yes, everyone thinks that there is nothing like someone is immortal, but that doesn't mean that it really doesn't exist. I know it sounds weird, because it does sound weard, but except of what we believe in, nothing says that something like your theory doesn't exist. - I said supporting.
- Ugh.. Sorry but I have no idea what you guys are talking about... - Lucy said.
- Quickly, the story is : I saw Lian talking to the sky and saying a name that was mentioned later at that talk and Marie has this theory for it. - I said.
- Well it's easier to understand it this way. - Lucy sighted.
We talked about Marie's idea for like 30 minutes but I'm not sure any of us actually believed in it.
After that I went to sleep and dreamt about me being immortal.
How ironic.

I hope this part was more enjoyable since it had more action and mystery in it so I hope you liked it! 😉😉😉

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