"Hey Cana?" I ask the girl, my grin getting wider. The brunette looked at me before realizing what I would ask about.

"Sure, I'll join ya" She says, standing up and I laughed as we both jumped down. Using their magic, our clothes were changed into swimsuits. We soon joined the group in posing.

"(Y/n)! You too?" Lucy questions, noticing my sudden appearance. I nod with a grin, looking at the crowd with a smile as I posed in the swimsuit.

"Remember folks, this is strictly a one on one competition. So Mirajane and Jenny will be the only ones scoring" The announcer called out.

"Then why are we down here demeaning ourselves?" Levi complained, causing me to giggle.

"Come on, it's all in good fun" I tease with a grin, to which she throws a playful glare my way.

"Wardrobe change, school swimsuits" The announcer called and I watched as the outfit glowed and changed into a navy blue one piece. I changed my pose, leaning down slightly and placing my hands on my knees.

"This is starting to get a little too creepy for me" Levi complained, covering herself up slightly.

"Well, Wendy doesn't seen to be too out of place in her's" Lisanna smiled at the blue haired sky slayer, who looked up at her.

"I feel out of place!" She complained, her face turning red.

"Just remember, you can leave at any time if you get too uncomfortable" I reminded the girls, a grin on my face as I did.

"And now! Bikini's and thigh highs" The swimsuits changed again to a two piece (f/c) snowflake print with darker (f/c) thigh high stalkings. Changing my pose, I drop to my knees and place my arms in front of me.

"That's weird. It covers more skin but it's more embarrassing" Lucy mumbled, and I smile at her words. The stalkings made it feel like we're half dressed, basically making us feel more exposed. Though, I have to admit, it was really fun. My heart was pounding as I felt eyes on me. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face as I posed.

"Who likes girls in glasses?" My swimsuit changed to a two piece floral pattern, with a skirt like piece on the bottom. A pair of glasses rested on my face. I laid down on the ground and placed one of my legs over the other. I grabbed the corner of the glasses and rested on my elbows.

"(Y/n), you look like you're having fun" Levi says to me and I look over and see her flustered face. I grinned and nodded. I wasn't gonna deny it, this was really fun.

3rd Person POV

Despite many girls being present on the field, each of them posing to their hearts content, a few eyes landed and stayed on (Y/n) the entire time. Whether they were from Fairy Tail or not, each of them couldn't stop their hearts from pounding. Some had even needed to look away to stop the nosebleed that had started.

On top of her being smart and brave while in battle; not to mention drop dead gorgeous no matter the day. This showed a different side of her. More confident in herself then what they've seen before. Not to mention the smile that never left her face as she posed. She seemed to be having fun, which had been difficult for the past while.

Each of them had known that they had come to like her. But it was then they realized just how hard they fell for (Y/n).

(Y/n)'s POV

"Cat ears!"

I change my pose to sitting down, my legs stretched out but one over the other. I lean back and look out at the crowd. My swimsuit changed into leopard print, with cat ears that matched my (h/c) hair.

The Dragoness Fairy Tail x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang