Chapter 2

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Third person PoV:

"First, I am going to read your file." Tsukauchi said and Dabi nodded as a response.

Tsukauchi picked up the file and opened it.

"Name, unknown. Alais, Dabi. Age, 23. Quirk, cremation." Tsukauchi read from the file. He looked up at Dabi for confirmation.

"My age is wrong on that." Dabi said, calmly.

True. "What is your age then?" Aizawa asked.

Dabi took a moment to think. "26 I think." He said.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow when Dabi said that. How could someone not know their age?

True. Tsukauchi nodded and wrote it down on a notepad he had with him.

"Can you tell us your name?" Aizawa asked, he was looking directly at Dabi, not taking his eyes off him.

"Dabi?" Dabi said, more like a question then a statement.

"That isn't your real name. Just tell us your name and this will be over sooner." Tsukauchi said.

Dabi looked off at the side, he had a confused look on his face, what was his name? He tried to think of what his name was.

Aizawa saw the confused look on Dabi's face. "Tsukauchi come with me." Aizawa said and walked towards the door.

Tsukauchi nodded and got up, leaving the room with Aizawa.

Dabi was left in the room alone.

"Did you see the confusion on his face?" Aizawa asked once the door was closed.

"What do you mean?" Tsukauchi asked.

"When you asked what his real name is, he looked like he didn't know himself." Aizawa said.

"Why wouldn't he know his real name?" Tsukauchi asked.

"I don't know. Maybe something happened that made him forget." Aizawa looked at the door to the room Dabi was sat in.

"Possibly. Should we continue questioning him?" Tsukauchi asked.

Aizawa nodded. The hero and detective walked back into the room where the scarred villain was.

They sat back down infront of Dabi who just looked at the two.

"Okay, let's continue with the questions." Aizawa said calmly. Dabi nodded.

"Do you remember your name?" Tsukauchi asked.

"Of course I do." Dabi said and kept a straight face.

False. "That is a lie." Tsukauchi said.

Aizawa was suprised but didn't show it. Dabi just sat there and stayed quiet.

"Do you remember anything from your past?" Tsukauchi asked.

"I have few memories." Dabi mumbled.


"Okay, that is true. We will leave the questions for now." Tsukauchi said and stood up.

Dabi was taken back to the room he was in before. Aizawa and Tsukauchi went to another room to discuss when they would have a meeting.

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