"Oh thanks~" I said.

"By the way, are you headin home now?" he asked looking down at me. I nodded my head which he frowned.

"Why? Is there something wrong???" I asked worriedly.

"Oh, we were going go get some ice cream at a store nearby. Maybe he wants you to come that's why he frowned." Semi stated appearing beside me and was also looking down at my height.


I just made an 'o' shaped with my mouth as I nodded. A moment of silence has engulfed us and then an idea popped into the airy head of mine. Hihihi.

"Ah!" I exclaimed as an imaginary light bulb popped beside my head as I snapped my fingers and grinned. "What if I'll treat you guys all an ice cream and go to my house for a sleep over? Yeah?"

"I'm down!" Tendou suddenly raised his arms and his mood came back. His hands dropped into my shoulder but I just let it.

"Me too!"

"Me three!"

"Me four!!"

"Shut up!"

"Lezz go!!"

They all chanted which made me giggle and watch them with amusement in my eyes.

We entered the store and sat there for a while as we savor the ice cream I bought them. We also made plans for the sleep over.

But first, I gotta call someone. I dialed the number of the person I was calling and then put my phone into my ears. When I heard it ring, I stood up and excused myself that I gotta call.

*Riinnggg~ Riinnggg~ Riinnggg~ Riinnggg~ Riii---*


"Uh yes Michiko, I'm not gonna be staying at the mansion just for tonight."

"Why? Is there a problem??"

"No, it's just, I'm having a sleepover with the boys at the other mansion."

a/n: Ahaemm.. Rich!

"Oh, Ooooh~~ are yo---"

"It's not what you fucking think!!" I cut her off before she spreads nonsense to the others at the mansion.

"Chill. Ok so have fun! Imma just tellin' the boiz! Take care, Bye~"


Then I hung up the phone and walked back towards the table where the boys are.

But then I came into a halt when I saw a bunch of squalin' pigs surrounding the team.

I continued to walk and shove whoever the person who was in my line of sight. As I reached the table, I sat on my seat in between Wakkun and Tendou who was smirking.

"Uh, who are you?" one of the hoes asked with her face looking at me with disgust.

"I am th---"

"She is our girl."

I was cut off by the boys who just spoke up. I smirked and looked at the fucking hoes who looked at me with jealousy.

"Now SCRAM!!" i roared causing them to flinch and walked away.

After that little scene of ours, we then walked out and back to the school. I walked into the parking lot while them, they're going to their dorms to pack the things they need for the sleepover.

I just sent them the address over the group chat before I drove off and to my house. The other house. Not the one with the GoM.

Moments past by and I have arrived at the black and white mansion that is only used for sleep overs or some group studies. So basically, a house just for friend bondings.

The house I'm staying with the GoM and my cousins are coloured Gold and white. It was a lot more bigger that this one. That house is only for us, its our permanent house.

I'm at my room and was now changing into a black oversized hoodie that reached my upper thighs, and I wore a black short shorts underneath.

Sitting in the living room when suddenly I got a call from Tendou.

"Hey Sammmiiii~ we're outside"

"Ok, wait a moment"

Then I hung up. I walked towards the large double doors and saw the whole team with their duffle bags hanging on their shoulders.

I smiled "Come in!!" I said and motioned them to come in.

Then the sleepover begins.


A/n: Eyyyy~💖

Sugawara: Eeeeyyyyy~~

Tendou: Eeeeeyyyy~~


Akashi: Bokuto-san shut up.

Kenma: Noisy bunch.

Kuroo: Masami~

Masami: Kuroo~

Kuroo: Lemme kiss you~

Masami: Uuuhhhh... *looks over to the GoM and other Bball players*

Aomine: Do it. I. Dare. You.

Akashi: My scissors are ready.

Kagami: I'll fucking meteor jam that bedhead of yours.

Murasakibara: I'll crush you to death..

Kise: Masamicchi only does that to me~

Midorima: I'm glad my lucky item for today is a gun *tilts glasses*

Kuroko: Have a nice trip to hell, Kuroo-san.

Momoi: I'll fucking stab your parents.

Riko: I'll fucking break your goddamn balls.

Kenma: Please do.

Kuroo: Kenma! You traitorrr!!

A/n: I see, this'll be bloody mess over here. Bye guys!! ❤️

*GoM starts killing Kuroo*

Yamamoto: *at the gym with the team*

Kai: I can hear his scream from here.

Yaku: Good for him hahahaha!!!

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