"You guess?"

               "It just.." I sighed. "I don't know, Nick. I've never dated anyone in my entire life, okay? I've never had romantic feelings for anyone. So I really don't know." I told him nervously. "And I'm 23 years old this year. I'm such a big loser."

               "Hey, it's okay. You're not a loser. You'll figure it out slowly, okay? Just take your time. Love is not something that you can force to happen. It will come naturally when the time is right." He consoled patiently, which worked well to calm me down.

               "Yeah, thanks, Nick." I smiled softly, grateful I got to talk to him after all this time. He was pretty annoying, but he was also a fun person to talk to.

              "And don't worry about love, dude. It's 2020, what are you worried about? Even me myself dated boys too."

              "Whaaaat? Didn't you say you just broke with your girlfriend two months ago on the live stream?"

               "Well, I am bisexual." He shrugged and said it so easily, I still couldn't believe how confident he was.

              "I can't believe how you can say that so easily."

             "Are you going to hate me now after you know about that fact?"

             "Are you kidding me, Nick? After all you did to me?" I say in a tone of disbelief while raising one of my brows in wonder. "You heard and helped me out of my comfort zone and I will just hate you because of who you're dating? You really need to make better excuses if you want to get rid of me." He laughed at that, me joining not soon after.

            "Don't worry, George. You will be okay. Oh, who knows, maybe your neighbor will become your future boyfriend, right?" He teased smugly. "I'm hearing wedding bells, such a loud sound too."

            "Nick! I told you, he is just my neighbor! We are just friends, nothing more!" I was regretting telling him (not really) about Dream now as I heard his laugh once again.

           "Alright, alright. I won't tease you anymore." He replied after he calmed down. "So, since the game is over, what are we gonna to do now?"

            "Umm.. I don't know?" I replied back, a little hesitated. I felt like I wanted to talk more about my past, but I was not sure how to say that to him. "I think I still wanna talk about.. You know.."

           "Your past?"

           "Yeah, that."

            "Well, then, start talking, dude. I'm all ears."

            "Thank you, Nick."

            "No need to thank me, dude. That's what a friend does, support each other."

            I smiled hearing his word, and started telling him more about my past. He patiently heard all of my rants and supported me. He also said the same thing like Dream did. That they didn't deserve me, I deserve all the love and care, and I should love myself more. I was really grateful to have them as my friend. Thank you, God, for giving me a chance to get to know all of these amazing people. I smiled softly. We kept talking and discussed a lot of stuff after that. It was so much fun to talk with Nick.

            But I wondered what was Dream doing right now?

-- Dream POV --

           "It seems like my plan is going smoothly."

            Now I was sitting on the television screen that was in the living room all alone. I opened some random movies to watch, but my mind didn't focus on the movie at all. I groaned, troubled that I felt a sting of hurt in my chest somehow, remembering back to the moment I saw George smile and laugh with Nick. I felt like I wanted him to smile and laugh only for me, which was selfish of me. I wanted to hear his giggle and see his adorable expressions only for my own. But I couldn't.

            "This is for George. This is the best for him. I should be happy for him that he finally break through his barrier and trusts someone else. I'm supposed to be happy that George is finally happy right?"

            But then why did my chest hurt so bad and I'm not happy at all?

~Word Count : 1297~

I will received a request for you who want to see the moment where Dream as AI and George as his partner. If I find I can write it inside of my story I will put it with the story so feel free to request. Just leave the request on the bird comment below.


~Ruby Feynix~

My Dream Artificial IntelligenceWhere stories live. Discover now