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"You should get a job"

"Quit being so lazy and do something productive."

"No wonder the freak dropped out, she'll go no where in life."

I lazily stare up at the ceiling and can hear the slight faint of a video playing and buttons being pressed. Go is playing his stupid game again..damn it I'm bored. I furrow my eyebrows together irritated and angrily looked back at the boy who was a few feet away from me.

"Will you turn that game off?! You're brain is gonna fry some more for playing for so long."

Go not looking back at me responded, "You play games too."

"Yeah, but I know when to limit myself."

This is too much. I have so many things running over my head and I was relieved thinking I'd stay alone at home again, I enjoy being by myself most time without anyone else. Despite me complaining whenever a family member would come unannounced to me, Dad thought it was a good idea to have Go as company.

That boy never listens to anyone and all he does is play videogames, speak English at random times and kept talking about a Youtuber he loves to watch.

I opened my blue eyes and slowly sat up straight and fully got up. "I'll be back home in a few hours, don't let anyone in." I bluntly tell the boy who didn't respond and I made it outside and tied my shoes before stepping out.

I squinted at the bright sky and tried blocking the sun, it was another reason why I never went out too. I'm pale so I hate the sun. My sister Ayumu is at school, Dad is working and Mom is out of Japan.

Some neighbors spotted me and waved since they all know us. My family has always been the cheerful and helpful neighbors, while I'm the complete opposite of them.

How can they be so happy all the time? The world isn't a happy place and it never will be. It's so hard being happy all the time....I adjusted my backpack which I always carry around and began to aimlessly walk around town.

I stopped in front of a 7/11 and spotted a friend should I say? Haruo was there with a bag and paying for it. He spotted me and I slowly lifted my hand to wave but he quickly looked away and hid his face.

Why do I even bother? I thought someone as quiet as me could make friends with similar people but no, even I'm a failure at that.

Everywhere I go people talk about the same topics and never bother to actually ask how the other person might be. "What am I even saying I sound like an emo." I mutter irritatedly to myself and sat down on a nearby post when I arrived at my favorite spot in the park.

I took my phone and cable out and plugged it to the lamp post and it began to charge. I looked around the area aimlessly and watched kids playing together, parents looking after them or playing along, and couples lots of couples together holding hands...

I huffed out but frowned and stared down at my knees and began to pick on the grass. I'm the only person who isn't accompanied by someone else.

Even those squirrels aren't alone! A couple of squirrels gathered by a tree in front of me and went running off together. I'll always be lonely aren't I? This must be one of the many reasons why Mom and Dad haven't been around the house.


"Smile at the camera!"

Ayumu smiled wide and wrapped her left arm around me and held her elementary diploma. I continued frowning at the camera and slightly held my diploma up and the photo was taken.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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