A Forever?

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When you stop and look around, life is pretty amazing! Yes, after that night life has really been amazing! Everyone and everything around is just perfect and of course Abir!... us...

I couldn't even realise how these 7 months passed. Everything is just perfect right now... Even Abir's dad calls us many a times... it seems he has accepted us as well. Research work with Abir, traveling places, fun moments with those four monkeys. Huff! Happy time passes so fast!...
I grab two chocolate icecream on my way to his place. Yeah chocolate is his favourite so...

I open the door with the extra key to see him busy preparing some dish... oh and with someone on video call.
"You know mumma, once upon a time I used to think it's my home" he states looking at me. I give him a look of 'Whatever!' Heading straight to the kitchen, I ask "Mumma? Why are you always on video call with him?!" "Mumma, she's jealous" he utters slowly near my left ear with a mischievous smile pasted on his lips. "Shut up! I'm not jealous!" I immediately reply turning my head. "Mishti no argument! Go and change yourself.. don't interrupt us" I am shocked by mom's reply. "Haww!" I say narrowing my eyes. "Go na Mishti don't interrupt " he states with that innocent face and I urge to leave.
"She's definitely jealous" "Uhhh Abir ignore her... let's continue" I can hear their conversation so I turn back. Flying a kiss to me he smiles... mischievously... "Yeah whatever!" I utter and leave.

They may irritate me a lot but deep down I feel contented... I feel happy... yeah! Nothing can be better than this. My mumma is more close to him than me now and I can't help but adore them... everytime! Abir deserved this love always but....

My thoughts get interrupted by a voice.
"Mishtiiiiiiiiiiii Miiiiishhtiiiiiii" I can hear him calling me out. I head to the the living hall to see him waiting for me... smiling. I move and settle myself beside him.

"Taadaaaaaaa" He signs at the container kept on the table. "What is it?" I ask smiling. "Ummm a surprise" he utters touching my nose... signing to open the lid. "Khichdiii!" I almost shout and look at him... at his eyes. Perhaps this reaction made his world upside down... with happiness. "Abirr... thank you" I lean forward and peck his cheek.

His pleasure has no boundaries and I can feel that by that already moistened eyes.
And he nods...smiling as widely as his face supports... "Now come on! Feed me" I order him as I can feel his internal wish.

Yes, Abir leaves no stone unturned just to see my smile... just to make me realise I can trust him in all means... just to make me feel... loved...

"Abir it's... it's... awesome! Just like my mumma. Wait a second! You were preparing khichdi for me?" I look at him and he nods. "Abir..." I put my arms around him and he grabs me tight. "Ummm there is one more surprise for my baby" he utters caressing my hair "And what is that" I mumble pasting my lips in his shoulder... adjusting my head. "Let me show you..." he states... breaking the hug.

And he brings his laptop and wait a minute... mumma papa on video call! I'm not... comfortable with this family thing much but then there is Abir who leaves no stone unturned to stop me from running away and make me face the reality. And our conversation started...
Soon the environment filled with laughs. But whenever topic starts of some love, trust and marriage my breathing hitches and Abir grabs my hand more tight... making me feel his presence... giving the much needed support.

After the call, I exhale...deeply. Yes Abir is trying his best to take me back to a normal life but... it's... it's too difficult for me!

"Mishti?" his voice breaks my thought and I look at him. "Waise Mishti, I think you should thank me properly..." he states and I join my brows trying to figure out what he actually means. "Hmm hmm I did so much for you to... you should thank me properly na!" He demands with that cute puppy face... pouting.

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