Alone Time

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*Phone rings*

I open my eyes to figure out who is screaming over the phone and ohh fish!
"Mumma bas...I am up...I'm not sleeping anymore...haa haa pakka pakka..yeah I'm a bit late...yeah okay bye..bye..." I cut the call as soon as possible. I'm already late!

I come downstairs to see Riva and Nancy. They are busy in the kitchen...
"I'm so sorry! I...I am late I couldn't help you...I should have helped you in the work." I am really feeling guilty...
"Hey come on! Don't be guilty...let's make it this way. Breakfast, lunch and dinner...three persons three duties...turn by turn okay?" Nancy gave an easy solution.
"But...that would be applicable from next week because you are new enjoy your freedom till then!" Riva added laughing.
These girls! They are so sweet!
It's almost 10 now and I'm on my way to the lab.
I reached the lab and to seeAbir already waiting for me. He smile at me to say hi. "Hi... I'm late I guess" I started. "No're on time...I'm a bit early actually. Let me show you the lab first" he stated and introduced me to the things around. We started our work...

After a few hour he stated, "I think it's okay for today... you don't need to work too much on the first day itself" I look at the watch. Ohh its almost 6 pm I didn't even realise how the time passed from morning.
But should I leave this much early? I mean I really don't wish to...
"Are you sure? I mean I don't have any problem.." I say trying not to match his eyes...
Yes, deep down I want to spend some time with him...because...I don't know...
"Yeah you should go now" he said again...
Yeah may be he's right...I am being much... "Okay" I reply packing up my papers. "You won't go now?" I ask him before leaving. "No I have some work..." he answered still looking at the papers.

Why am I feeling a bit...low? Did I start expecting something I shouldn't?

I moved towards the door when he called me out "Mishti..." and I turned back immediately... "Wait for a surprise..." he said with a smile. "Surprise? For me? What surprise?" I ask in a curious tone. He came forward to stand in front of me...leaned a bit to whisper near my ears "If I tell you that wouldn't be a surprise isn't it?"
His voice did some magic to my body as I feel some shivers...
He smiled at me, "Now go...bye"
And I leave the lab...smiling...

Coming back to my place, I go straight up to my room. Yeah there are several other things I need to do. I'm not settled that well. Suddenly a message notification pop up...
"We have a situation here...I'll tell you everything later...just don't come out of your room now"
I am hell shocked! What is happening? What situation?!
I reply, "What situation? What is going on Riva?"
"Don't's not that serious...just don't come out of your room" she replied.
I change myself into a tee and shorts and start with my work again. Yeah if I cannot go out, I'd rather carry on with my work.

It is almost 9 pm... taking my phone I decide to message Riva.. Can I just go out? I can't just stay in my room like...forever!
Suddenly a knock on the door... I open the door but...there's no one and why it's so dark! I call out Riva and Nancy but they don't seem to appear. Coming down to the living hall, I am about to call them again when a sudden scream...

I can see the decorations...Omg! They did this for me? Riva and Nancy jumped on my lap to wish me welcome. Ohh these two are really monkeys! "Thank you so very much! I never really expected this! You two are...amazing!"
"No no don't thank us! We just helped him...This is Abir bro's plan" Nancy said at once. "Really?!"
I still couldn't believe it was him! I mean he planned this today itself... this was the surprise he was talking about! Where is he by the way? I couldn't finish my words when he entered with a cake in his hand...

"So! This is for Miss Mishti Aggarwal Welcome...Mishti... in our life..." he wished me looking straight into my eyes.
Wait a second! Why is his eyes this much passionate?! I can't look at those properly and also don't want to look away from those...
He introduced me to his friends John and Yash...

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