The Goodbye

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I woke up in the morning...
The weather's is quite chilling... I put on my hoodie and moved to see outside.
The sun is shining brightly giving a comfort. I came to the lawn...
It really feels so nice here! Uhhhh I should buy a house in the mountains... but will there be any scarcity of water? Or foods? Omg I really can't live without food! Food is life...
Everytime I travel in mountain regions,  I think this..
Hufff! I'm such useless fellow!
I was busy in all my nonsense thoughts when a voice called me out...

"Good morning" I turned back to see him. "Good morning Mr. Stranger!" I smile back at him. "So? Everything's okay? Slept well?" He asked me.
It seems he was really concerned about me last night.
"Yeah I..every thing is fine...Thank you so much! I really needed that mental push" I say with a smile. "See! People who help others also need help for themselves..." he said smiling back.

Yeah I am genuinely thankful to him...being a stranger he solved my 5-year problem within few minutes...

"Up for a walk?" He asked me casually.  "Yeah sure!" I replied quickly.
I don't know why but I would really like to spend some time with him.
We took a ride and came to the Camel's Back Road where people just walk and enjoy the environment.
We started walking....

"So you are...? I mean you are invited in the party by?" I started. "Ohh I'm Myra's fiance's friend...and you?" he answered. "I'm Myra's best friend" I reply. "So...what happened?" He asked me after being silent for may be 2 minutes.  I understood he wanted to know about me and Priyansh... So I exhaled...deeply and started...

"Priyansh and I were best friends from class 4... the whole school life! But that time we didn't understand each other's importance... It was time for college...
As our college got separated, we started missing each other... we started chatting whole day, video calls, calls...and whenever we used to meet, we used to walk 2, 3 hours through some unknown roads... we used to call it adventure! Slowly I started to realise that I like him and his words expressed he liked me too! And one day, I told him that...I never expected any answer from him... it's just that I didn't really want to keep any secret from him... I just wanted our friendship... but he was naive! He reaction was not mature...
He stopped talking to me all at once!...
I..I never really expected that to happen! 2 months passed... and suddenly he started talking to me a way as if nothing really happened!
But those few months were the most difficult phase of my life! I suffered a lot of ups and my family...personal that was the time I needed him the most by my side! But he wasn't there for me....
That was the time, I realised love is not for me! Be it for your relatives or someone else..."

I exhaled...deeply... and looked at him.
He was listening to me so carefully...
I smiled at him but he said in a deep voice, "Then?"

"Then... we used to talk but not more than 2, 3 minutes in a week..
Our friendship was broken...completely... But one day we decided to meet! He was about to leave for college hostel so he pleaded me to meet...
I was waiting for him at the decided place when I met my another friend from college... he arrived and saw me laughing with him.. I saw him standing at a distance and moved towards him... He started reacting... he was on fire...
I questioned him the reason of being jealous and he confessed...his love...
But it was too late... I had already taken my decision... I knew...I knew if I continued us, eventually we would end up being in a relationship...and I don't want that! So....
I let him hug last time...and I left...forever...
I even changed my number... After that I shifted to Bangalore for my studies and...we met yesterday while coming here..." I completed...

My eyes were already moistened. I expected an answer from him but he stood I looked at him.
He is still standing silent, looking at me... as I look at him with a smile, he moved down his eyes...smiled...and stated, "Last time your hug was a painful one right? Then replace it with a happy one now..."

I looked at him amusingly! How come his words are effecting me so much!
What is this man?!!

"You know what? I am a complete introvert..I really am! But I don't know why and how I shared everything with you!" I said looking at him.
"No one in this earth can be total introvert...we all are ambiverts... introvertism and extrovertism both are in our personality,  it's just that one is dominant than the other" he replied.
"Yeah I know! It's Jung's Theory of...wait a second! How do you know about this?!" I was confused.
He laughed, "Wo mai antaryami hoon na isiliye..."
I roll my eyes on him, "Kuch bhi!"

"By the way, are you staying today?" He asked me. "Ohh no no! I will leave in afternoon...I have flight to catch... you?" I said.
"I will also be leaving by evening...where are you going by the way?" He questioned.
"I will be going to Mumbai" I answered.
We continued our walk...

"Can I tell you something?" He asked me suddenly. He started as I signalled him to a yes, "I think I have seen you somewhere"
How can he see me?! I just met him yesterday night!
"But I just met you yesterday night!...
Haaa waise it's possible for you to see me! You know I'm quite beautiful may have seen me in tv or posters" I said in a proud tone.

"Ohh hello! Miss khoobsurti! Control control!" He said laughing.
Huhhh! That's mean!
"Yeah whatever!" I again roll my eyes on him...

Laughing, chatting we reached our hotel...
I didn't even realise how the time went on so fast with him! It really feels refreshing!

It was afternoon time and it was my time to leave...
I bid farewell to Uncle, Aunty and Myra...
Priyansh and Shreya were standing at a distance.

"Call karna mujhe...and issbar gayab nahi hona samjhi?" He sort of threatened me... I smiled...
"Nice meeting you!" I shaked my hands with Shreya.
Suddenly I remembered the stranger's words...
"Replace the sad hug with a happy one"

I learned forward and hugged Priyansh...he reciprocated...
We smiled breaking the hug...

"Bye" I uttered...smiling...
"Bye...please stay in touch..." he said...
I nodded to a yes and left...

I was about to leave the hotel but my eyes were searching for him.
Where is Mr. Stranger by the way?!

"Missing me?" I heard his voice...
I smiled and then turned back to see him standing behind me...smiling...
"Bye..." I said.

Am I feeling bad? But I really shouldn't!

"We still don't know each other's name" I said.
"Ummm let's be Mr. Stranger and Miss. Anonymous for each other...for now?" He replied.
"For now matlab?" I asked confused.
"I'm sure we are gonna meet again" he said in a confident tone.

This man is really mysterious! I seriously didn't get his words!

I smiled...
"Okay then, bye Mr. Stranger!"
"See you soon Miss. Anonymous" he smiled back.
And I left...

I don't know I will ever meet him again or not... but...
I smile and utter...

"Mr. Stranger..."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hope you all liked the update. A new phase is gonna start in Mishti's life now. So stay connected.

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